Artikel 4 von 10

Raketenangriff auf Tel Aviv vom Gaza-Streifen aus

Tel Aviv came under a barrage of 130 rockets launched by Hamas from the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, sending residents fleeing for shelter as air raid sirens blared across Israel’s second-largest city.

Israel’s anti-rocket defense systems were activated Tuesday night, with the streaks of multiple interceptor missiles lighting up the skies over the area.

The heavy bombardment came in retaliation for an Israeli strike earlier on Tuesday evening that leveled a high-rise building in Gaza, which housed the offices of several top Hamas officials. That strike had come in retaliation for earlier Hamas bombings.

Both sides had been firing at each other almost nonstop throughout the day, in some of the worst fightings between Israel and the terror group since their 2014 war. (NYP / VFI News)

Bitte betet für die Bewahrung von unschuldigen Menschen auf beiden Seiten und gemäß 1. Timotheus 2,4 für ihre Errettung. „Der HERR prüft den Gerechten; und den Gottlosen und den, der Gewalttat liebt, hasst Seine Seele.“ – Psalm 11,5