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Poverty Grows In Israel - Please Help

While Israel enjoyed much increase in 2019, end of the year poverty figures revealed that some 2.3 million Israelis, including one million children, live beneath the poverty line. The report also found that nearly one-fifth of Israelis, over 1.6 million people suffer from food insecurity. Please continue to help us ease the very real distress of hardship in Israel. Strained government budgets are due in part to Israel’s high-security needs. Additionally, the allocation of funds for welfare programs are presently being stalled and impacted by the ongoing lack of a functioning government and the high cost of repeated elections.  We at VFI continue to be deeply concerned for, and dedicated to, assisting underprivileged children, the elderly and entire families who are beloved of the Lord and in need. Please continue to enable us to be expressions of His heart and hands. We need and appreciate your donations at: www.visionforisrael.com.

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.” Prov. 19:17