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Women’s Names to Be Censored on Israeli Neighborhood Street Signs

The Beit Shemesh city council decided on Wednesday to leave women’s first names off new street signs in the new neighborhood of Neveh Shamir as part of a deal between secular and Haredi council members, according to Israel Hayom.

Originally, the plan for the new neighborhood was to name the streets after Haredi figures and subjects, but the plan later changed to include Sarah Aaronsohn and Anne Frank, although their first names will only be written in small print on the signs.

The new neighborhood is being built for the general public, not just the Haredi public, but Haredi representatives make up a majority on the city council leading to the decision to make the first names of Aaronsohn and Frank less visible. (JPost / VFI News)

A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, Loving favor rather than silver and gold. - Proverbs 22:1