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President Trump Pushes to Open US Churches Amid Rising Death Toll

This week, the United States surpassed a sobering milestone: 100,000 Coronavirus deaths. And as cases and fatalities continue to rise, so too does the urgency from the White House to reopen the economy.

On Thursday, President Trump announced that CDC guidelines on reopening places of worship could be announced by Friday, claiming the country will be “broken” if they remain closed.

The guidelines have yet to be released due to a disagreement between the Center for Disease Control and the Trump administration—a spat that has led the White House to revise the guidelines themselves after deeming them to be overly strict.

“I think churches, to me, they are so important in terms of the psyche of our country. …I think churches are essential. It’s wonderful to sit home and watch something on a laptop, but it can never be the same as being in a church and being with your friends. They want to have it opened and I think that’s going to be happening very shortly.” Trump said. (VFI News)

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. — Proverbs 11:14 ESV

“God, we ask that you bless all those with the difficult positions of leadership right now—that you bring them wisdom and understanding, based on a firm belief in you.”