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Airborne COVID-19 Particle Filter Under Development

Laser-induced graphene (LIG) technology, developed by a partnership between Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and Houston-based Rice University, is to be commercialized to make filtration systems that can filter out airborne COVID-19 particles.

The commercialization will be done by LIGC Application Ltd., a leader in the field of graphene commercialization, which focuses on adapting the massive and diverse potential of graphene for the commercial sector.

“For the past five years, our lab at the BGU Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research has focused on the development of LIG, specifically in antimicrobial filtration and environmental applications,” BGU's Dr. Chris Arnusch said in a statement.

“We are excited to be commercializing our technology in a number of air filtration products for COVID-19 and other specialized filtration applications.” (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we ask that you continue to spur innovations that will keep us safe—from this virus, and from whatever comes next.”