Report | Iran Warning US Allies: Help Israel and You're Next
Tehran is issuing covert diplomatic warnings, threatening to target oil-rich Gulf Arab states and other US allies in the Middle East if their territories or airspace are used for attacks on Iran, Arab officials told American media on Thursday, October 10.
Israel has threatened harsh retaliation after Iran launched approximately 180 ballistic missiles at Israel earlier this month. In response, Iran has warned it will strike Israel’s civilian infrastructure and retaliate against any Arab state involved in facilitating such an attack, the officials told the American news outlet.
The countries threatened by Iran include Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, all of which host US troops, according to the Arab officials.
These countries have communicated to the Biden administration that they do not want their military infrastructure or airspace used by the U.S. or Israel for offensive actions against Iran, the officials added.
Although the Iranian threats remain vague, they have alarmed energy-rich Gulf states, which have long believed their oil facilities were shielded by American security guarantees, the Arab officials noted. (INN / VFI News)
“Put your sword back in its place,” Yeshua said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” - Matthew 26:52