Antisemitism Explodes in Europe
In 2023, antisemitic incidents reached a record high in Denmark since the Jewish community began keeping records ten years ago. The community said in a new report that there have been 121 recorded antisemitic incidents in the country, an increase of 112 incidents from 2023’s nine incidents.
This is more than twice the previous record year of 2014, in which there were 53 incidents. November 2023 was the month with the highest number of incidents (42). Twenty of the recorded incidents were threats of harm or death against Jewish individuals or Jews as a group.
Meanwhile, in the UK, “for the first time ever, antisemitic incidents were recorded in every single police region,” states the Community Security Trust (CST) in their Antisemitic Incidents Report 2023. The report also states that an alarming “4,103 instances of anti-Jewish hate [were] recorded across the UK in 2023... the highest annual total ever reported.”
Further, when the hearings of a case filed by South Africa accusing Israel began at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Norway expressed support for the lawsuit.
Lastly, some 26 French lawmakers, belonging to three left-wing parties, recently signed a petition sent to the president of the International Olympic Committee demanding that the Israeli athletes participate in the Olympics without the symbols of the state - the Israeli flag and national anthem - and compete neutrally, as the Russian and Belarusian athletes competed in the Tokyo Olympics. (JPost / VFI News)
“You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” - Matthew 10:22