Israel to Demand More Sea Territory in Lebanon Border Talks
Israel prepared to respond to increased demands from Lebanon by claiming more than double the area of the Mediterranean Sea that is currently in dispute, according to a map obtained on Monday.
The map shows what the Energy Ministry has called “Line 310,” or the red line, which extends significantly farther north than Israel’s starting negotiating position, the blue line on the map.
Israel and Lebanon began US-mediated negotiations on their maritime border in October, which were the first talks between the countries in 30 years. The countries hope that settling the border would encourage further gas exploration in the area.
Israel already pumps significant amounts of gas from the Mediterranean, but Lebanon has yet to do so. (JPost / VFI News)
The sea is His, for He made it, and His hands formed the dry land. - Psalm 95:5
"Lord we ask that Your divine will be done in the region. Give the leaders who are involved in the negotiations wisdom so that a blessing will come out of this dispute".