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Germany Announces $40 Million Investment in Antisemitism Research

The German government said Wednesday it will strengthen its battle against the quickly growing antisemitism in the country by investing 35 million euros ($41.5 million) into research and educational projects focused on understanding its causes and effectively fighting hatred of Jews.

Police registered 2,351 cases of antisemitism in Germany last year, which was an increase of 15% compared to the year before, officials reported.

“This is the highest number in the last couple of years,” said German Education and Research Minister Anja Karliczek. “There’s reason for worry that this is only the tip of the iceberg and that the unreported number of daily attacks on Jews is substantially higher.”

She said millions would be given to universities to examine the different facets of hatred against Jews and to develop strategies on what to best do against it. (TOI / VFI News)

 “For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake” - Philippians 1:29

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