Families of Hostages Speak Out Against Hamas and Want to Put Maximum Pressure on It
Michael, uncle of Ethan Mor, who was kidnapped by Hamas, spoke with Israeli media about the meeting of families of the hostages with Minister of Culture and Sports Miki Zohar.
“We asked Minister Zohar to abandon the Witkoff plan, which is tearing apart the families of the hostages as well as the nation and continues the division. We want to bring everyone home together in one bus, to redeem the blank cheque given to us by President Trump,” says Mor, highlighting the main points of the proposed plan.
“The plan suggests returning half now and half later if Hamas agrees, and maybe half of that, or half of half, as the minister himself stated, and we are not willing to accept that. We cannot let this happen. We demand to adopt the Trump plan that gave us a blank cheque to conclude this ordeal once and for all.”
Meanwhile, an event was scheduled in Geneva, Switzerland, with the participation of senior UN officials and representatives of the hostage families, where a report by the UN special envoy on torture was to be presented for the first time.
Hebrew media conveyed that the report recognizes the psychological terrorism inflicted by Hamas against the hostage families as a violation of the international laws of war. This is a historic achievement that was reached thanks to the efforts of the legal department of the Hostages Families Headquarters, headed by Dr. Shelly Aviv-Yeini. (INN/VFI News)
“Who executes justice for the oppressed, Who gives food to the hungry. The Lord gives freedom to the prisoners. The Lord opens the eyes of the blind; the Lord raises those who are bowed down; the Lord loves the righteous.” - Psalm 146:8-9