Netanyahu, Smotrich Announce Plan to Combat Cost of Living in Israel
Property taxes (arnona) will be frozen for a year in order to combat the continually increasing cost of living in Israel.
This was announced during a live-streamed presentation held by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, wherein they explained the new government’s plan to deal with rising prices in the economy, which “has entered an inflationary spiral,” according to the premier.
Also included in the government’s plan is the reversal of the latest increase in gas prices (a net reduction of 10 agorot), and a cut of 70% in the price of electricity and water.
Furthermore, those entitled to disability stipends through the "heating grant" will receive NIS 200 of their allotment now, instead of having to wait until October when it is typically distributed.
“Since the government I lead puts... the war on the cost of living at the top of its priorities, we are not waiting. Tonight we are announcing a series of first steps to fight the generators of inflation: electricity, water, fuel and property taxes,” said Netanyahu.
“These steps will immediately reduce the monthly expenses of every family in Israel, and will do another thing: they will slow down the pace of price increases and start turning the wheel backward.” (JPost / VFI News)
“God, we thank You for enabling the leaders of Israel to combat poverty and exhibit compassion for the citizens, so that we can all have the ability to prosper.”