Iran to IAEA: We Plan to Install Additional Centrifuges at Fordow and Natanz
Iran has notified the UN nuclear watchdog of its plans to expand uranium enrichment capabilities by installing additional centrifuges at its Fordow and Natanz facilities and activating machines recently installed there, according to a confidential report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) seen by British media on Thursday, November 28.
The report outlines Iran’s communication with the IAEA about these intentions. However, it notes that Iran has made little progress toward implementing these plans so far, despite its pledge to add thousands of centrifuges following a resolution by the IAEA’s 35-nation board of governors criticizing Iran.
Currently, Iran operates over 10,000 centrifuges at its underground sites in Natanz and Fordow, as well as an above-ground plant at Natanz. The report describes plans to install 32 additional cascades, or groups, of approximately 174 centrifuges each, along with an unprecedented cascade of 1,152 advanced IR-6 centrifuges.
Notably, the report does not mention Iran’s uranium enrichment to levels as high as 60% purity, which is close to the 90% threshold for weapons-grade material. This omission could indicate a cautious approach by Iran as it prepared for additional talks in Geneva on Friday with Britain, France, and Germany aimed at reviving dialogue with Western powers. (INN / VFI News)
“Lord, we pray in Yeshua’s name that You halt Iran’s nuclear plans to enrich its uranium and that You cause it to cooperate completely with our Western allies. In Your mercy, make Yourself known to its leaders so that they can realize the error of their ways, repent, and live at peace with all their neighbors, or be eliminated so they will no longer pose a threat to the world. We thank You for Your love, protection, and faithfulness.”
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