Chinese Spies and Iranian Terrorists Are Posing as DoorDash Drivers to Get onto U.S. Military Bases and Steal Secrets
A top lawmaker told British media that China and other adversaries are getting creative with the manner in which they are infiltrating the U.S. military’s sensitive sites. Chinese nationals tried at least 100 times to enter U.S. military bases and related installations last year.
Often posing as tourists or DoorDash drivers who happen to wander off course and find themselves on or near sensitive and secret federal sites, they can more easily get inside. And it’s not just Chinese nationals who are infiltrating U.S. military sites. Iran, Russia and terrorist groups from the Middle East are also involved Rep. Glenn Grothman, R-Wis., exclusively told British media in a sit-down interview.
“There have been reports of Russians, there have been reports of Iranians, there have been reports of people from throughout the Middle East - people who are members of terrorist organizations - also being caught near military bases,” Grothman said. However, the Republican did not specify which terrorist groups have been caught.
“There have been reports that off of our military bases ... that we have had foreign nationals here taking pictures and recording what's going on.” He also claimed that various foreign nationals “maybe getting jobs as DoorDash or something or other and then poking around, seeing what they can find out” from the U.S. military bases. (DM / VFI News)
“And I saw something else under the sun: In the place of judgment—wickedness was there, in the place of justice—wickedness was there.” - Ecclesiastes 3:16