Israel Medical Association: Doctors Must Treat Hamas Terrorists
The Israel Medical Association published a letter on Sunday, April 21, in which it calls on all doctors to tend to Hamas terrorists, even if they murdered Jews on October 7th.
“Caring for every person, including Hamas terrorists, is required and is even one of our obligations as physicians. The rules of ethics, international treaties and declarations, and even Israeli law demand that a physician tends to every individual no matter who,” the letter stated.
The letter was sent to administrators after demonstrations were held at several hospitals against the medical care of Nukhba terrorists who participated in the October 7th massacre in southern Israel.
“The Israel Medical Association ethics code calls to continue medical care during an armed conflict, regardless of the patient’s identity. The only consideration that stands before the physician is the medical condition of the patient.”
“Therefore, despite the horrific acts of the Hamas terrorists, we as physicians will give the proper care and will let the judicial system bring them to justice,” the head of the association’s ethics office, Dr. Yossi Walfish, wrote. (INN / VFI News)
“But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” - Luke 6:27-28