Most Israelis Say They Like Their Jobs - But….
Close to 90% of Israelis claim they are happy with their jobs and lives, though nearly a third live in debt. The numbers don't tally. Some 21% of employed Israelis manage to end the month in the black, while 51% just manage to cover their monthly expenses. The new survey, published this week by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics reveals also that 22% of the same population live in debt most or all of their lives, and another 5% do not manage to cover their monthly expenses at all. Fifteen percent of respondents felt they were poor in the past five years, and 10% felt they were poor within the past year. Just 14% of employed Israelis are "very happy" with their work-life balance. Another 47% say they are "happy" with it, while 28% say they are not happy and 11% are not at all happy with their work-life balance. Meanwhile, even though just 60% of Israelis are happy with their salaries, 88% of Israelis are satisfied with their jobs, and 89% are happy with their lives. Among those Israelis unhappy with their salaries are social workers and teachers (including preschool teachers), over 90% of whom are happy in their jobs but just 41%-51%, respectively, are happy with their salaries. The survey also showed that 55% of employers offer full compensation for sick days, while 86% offer full compensation for vacation days. (VFI News/Arutz-7)