Survey: 50% of Israelis Fear they Cannot Pay for Basic Expenses
Close to 50% of Israelis are afraid they will not be able to cover their expenses in the aftermath of the coronavirus crisis, a report by the Central Bureau of Statistics shows.
The report found that the economic situation weighed heaviest on Israelis, with 50% of respondents claiming they feared not being able to pay for their basic expenses during the March and April closure and 46.5% expressing similar sentiments in its immediate aftermath.
The report found that 30% of Israelis said they would find it difficult to cover their expenses in the spring of 2019.
During the period of the closure, more than a quarter (27.3%) of Israelis said they expected their economic situation to worsen in the coming year. When the closure was lifted, that number dropped to 18.3%, which is still twice as much as in 2019 (9.2%). (JPost / VFI News)
He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young. —Isaiah 40:11