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The Israeli Air Force works to fight new and developing threats across the region

Mystery Drone Downed by IDF in Israeli Airspace Was Sent by Iran

The IDF confirmed that the drone that invaded Israeli airspace from Syria, and that it was brought down on Sunday, April 2, was Iranian. It also said it was shot down using special physical electronic means.

Initially, the details of the identity of the drone and how it was brought down were partially censored, since usually the IDF has shot down such invading drones in the past and wants to keep its various electronic capabilities quiet so as not to tip off its enemies.

It was unclear why the IDF used different means this time to bring down the drone and what the significance was of temporarily delaying putting out some of the key information about the incident, followed by a decision on Monday to reveal more.

The IDF is still investigating the specifics of the incident, and part of the reason for revealing more information could be that the drone was located and collected for further study in the Hula Valley area on Monday morning.

Iran sent the drone into Israel following reports attributing several attacks by Israel on Iranian targets and their proxies in Syria in recent days. The increase in attacks attributed to the IDF came shortly after Hezbollah sent an operative to set off explosives in Israel. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we thank You for enabling us to defend our country effectively at all times. We are also grateful to our military forces for always being alert and ensuring that Israelis are kept safe from nations who wish harm upon Israel.”