
VFI News Former Hostage Says All Female Hostages Were Sexually Abused

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VFI News: Former Hostage Says All Female Hostages Were Sexually Abused

VFI News: Former Hostage Says All Female Hostages Were Sexually Abused

All Israeli Female Hostages Being Raped, Sexually Abused, Says Ex-Captive: ‘No One to Save You’

All the female Israeli hostages are being raped or sexually abused, a former Hamas captive revealed on Tuesday, April 2 — as she begged Israel’s Knesset not to go on its planned extended recess, given the crisis.

Ex-hostage Mia Regev revealed the devastating news during an emergency debate before the Israeli parliament’s Committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality.

“Every day, there is an emergency and every minute counts. What will the women do there? What will the rest of the captives do there?” Regev said, referring to the Knesset’s planned upcoming break of more than five weeks, according to Israeli media.

“Every girl there is sexually harassed in one way or another.” Regev said it is “unbelievable” that the parliament would go on such a relatively long recess while hostages are still being held captive.

Families of those being held have called on the Knesset to postpone its recess and “join the struggle to free the hostages” and to replace Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, “who is a barrier to a deal” to free them.

Sharon Cunio, who was released from captivity last year, said the “terror is never-ending” under Hamas’ control and is “indescribable.” “It is the never-ending terror that you will be hurt, that there is no one to save you, and that you are at the mercy of Hamas,” Cunio said. Cunio, whose husband is still in captivity, begged lawmakers to also “not forget the men.” (NYP / VFI News)

“Our Heavenly Father, we pray for all the hostages and we ask that they be released immediately so that they no longer experience any type of abuse at the hands of Hamas. We pray for all the women who experienced and continue to experience sexual abuse while being held captive. We plead that You protect them, comfort them, heal them, and restore their mental health as soon as possible. Keep Your protective hand over them so no one can harm them anymore. Lord, please guide our leaders into prioritizing the release of all of our hostages, and help us with the divisions that afflict our nation.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

Top Police Interrogator: “We Interrogated Terrorists Who Dealt in Victims’ Body Parts”

The head of the Israel Police Unit of International Crime Investigations Security Division, Chief Superintendent Yaron Binyamin, discussed for the first time the interrogations of the terrorists who committed the October 7 massacre.

“We interrogated terrorists who dealt in the body parts of the victims of October 7th. They cut off limbs, took them with them to Gaza, and planned to trade them in future negotiations for hostages. We interrogated terrorists who were awash with hate, who took knives and murdered anything they got their hands on,” he recounted.

“I say to those who deny the crimes of the Nukhba terrorists that after six months of interrogations, there is no doubt at all regarding the horrifying quantity of crimes committed on October 7th. Today we understand this through the testimonies of the very terrorists who committed this terrible massacre,” Binyamin added.

According to him, “When you sit in front of a terrorist, your top goal is to pull the truth and everything he knows out of him. Not only to know what he himself did, but to also know who his fellow terrorists were, who planned, who executed, who still hasn’t been caught, and what missions the terrorists were given before leaving Gaza.” (INN / VFI News)

“Although a wicked person who commits a hundred crimes may live a long time, I know that it will go better with those who fear God, who are reverent before him.” - Ecclesiastes 8:12

Canadian Families of Hamas Victims Sue Canadian Government over UNRWA Funding

Canadian families who lost loved ones in the horrific Hamas terrorist attacks on October 7, 2023, together with the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), on Thursday, April 4, filed a Federal Court application for judicial review of the Government of Canada’s decision to resume funding for the UNRWA, contending that the decision to do so was patently unreasonable because it violates Canadian law.

Though there is no dispute that humanitarian aid is needed and must urgently reach the civilian population in Gaza, the application lays out the arguments of why UNRWA cannot be the agency to fulfill this responsibility and should be disqualified from funding.

CIJA noted in a statement that Under Canadian Law, funding can only be advanced to organizations that respect Canadian values and international human rights standards. Additionally, given UNRWA’s well-documented links to Hamas, a terrorist organization under Canadian law, by resuming Canadian funding to UNRWA, the government violates its own anti-terrorism legislation, said CIJA.

Alongside CIJA, the applicants of the lawsuit are Dikla Mizrachi, mother of Ben Mizrachi; Iris Liniado, daughter of Judih Weinstein Haggai; Jacqui Vital, mother of Adi Vital-Kaploun; and Raquel Ohnona, mother of Alexandre Look, Canadians who lost family members to Hamas violence since October 7.

Dikla Mizrachi, Iris Liniado, Jacqui Vital, and Raquel Ohnona said in a joint statement, “Our families are appalled and sickened by the decision of the Canadian government to reinstate funding to UNRWA given its ties and support of the terrorism that took our loved ones’ lives.” (INN /VFI News)

“God, we pray that Canada and all Western countries cease their funding of UNRWA and find alternative organizations that assist Gazan civilians. We pray that the Canadian families’s pleas will be heard by the Canadian government and for justice to be done. We pray that anyone who participated in the October 7 massacre will not be given additional power over people’s lives.”

Barkat: Qatar Funds Terror All Over The World; Qatar Fires Back

Economy Minister Nir Barkat criticized Qatar on Thursday, April 4, prompting the Qatari Foreign Ministry to fire back. Speaking to American media Barkat said he didn’t trust Qatar to act as a mediator with Hamas and accused the Gulf country of “funding terror all over the world.”

“They’re a wolf in sheep’s clothing. We must wake up,” he added. Majed Al Ansari, the spokesperson for Qatar’s Foreign Ministry, later responded to Barkat, writing on social media, “Yet another headline-seeking politician in Israel is using ‘Qatar-bashing’ as a means to further his own political future.”

“Rather than being preoccupied with supporting in the efforts to secure a deal, Minister Barkat finds his time is better spent attacking the mediators who are working round the clock to reach a deal that ensures the release of hostages and stop the bloodshed.”

“Spreading lies and baseless accusations about the country that helped secure the release of 109 hostages and is relentlessly working on the release of the remaining hostages, is another sign of political recklessness and selfishness,” added Al Ansari.

Qatar, which is a key backer of Hamas and does not have diplomatic ties with Israel, has served as a mediator between Israel and Hamas in talks on a hostage release deal. Further, with Israel’s consent, Qatar has provided hundreds of millions of dollars to Gaza in recent years, most of which went directly to Hamas. (INN / VFI News)

“Lord, we continually pray for the hostages still held in Gaza and we ask that You utilize whoever You want for their release. We pray for a united nation, and we trust that You will not let anyone harm our people. May You bring peace between us and our enemies and help us live safely in the promised land.”

WATCH: Delicious Mediterranean Chopped Salad and Homemade Dressing Recipe with Batya Segal

Join Batya Segal in this step-by-step recipe for Mediterranean chopped salad and a delectable homemade salad dressing. Discover the vibrant flavors of the Mediterranean as Batya shares her expert tips and techniques for creating a nutrient-packed salad featuring fresh vegetables, olive oil, and more. Elevate your culinary skills as you learn to whip up a delightful salad dressing from scratch, perfectly complementing the medley of flavors in your salad. Don't miss this opportunity to indulge in the wholesome goodness of Mediterranean cuisine with Batya Segal's culinary guidance. Watch now and bring the Mediterranean essence to your table today!

President Herzog: ‘Internal Division Is The Greatest Motivator for Our Enemies’

President Isaac Herzog, at a Bar and Bat Mitzvah event for IDF orphans, addressed recent violent anti-government protests.

He opened his words with a story that he heard recently: “A few days ago I was paid a surprise visit by Ruchama Hershkovitz, the mother of Yossi Hershkovitz who fell in battle in Gaza.”

“Yossi was the principal of the Pelech boys’ school. Michal and I were moved to meet her, and we were moved even more when she asked us, in tears, one thing only: to do everything to stop the rift in the nation. To do everything to fulfill Yossi’s will and to maintain unity in Israel.”

“This is what the nation wants and demands constantly: not to return to the discourse of October 6th and certainly not in the middle of the war. It is clear to us all that the right to demonstrate and protest is one of the basic rights of our democracy, and that demonstrations are vital in Israeli society,” he continued.

“But there is a way to argue and disagree, and there is a way to protest and demonstrate. Violence is a red line that can no way be crossed,” Herzog emphasized.

"I wish to remind us all that the internal division is the greatest motivator for our enemies who gladly follow it; especially during the tense days that we are in and that stand before us. And therefore we may not return to October 6th. Our lives depend on it,” the president concluded. (INN /VFI News)

Sunni Muslim Terrorists Attack IRGC Base in Iran, 27 Killed

Suspected Sunni Muslim terrorists killed at least 11 Iranian security officers and suffered 16 fatalities in attacks on Iran’s Revolutionary Guards headquarters in the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan, state media said on Thursday, April 4.

The attacks by terrorists from the Jaish al-Adl group took place overnight and targeted Iranian Revolutionary Guards headquarters in Rask and Chabahar, located in the Sistan and Baluchistan provinces, the reports said.

At least eight terrorists were killed during exchanges of fire with security forces, the media reports said. “The terrorists failed to succeed in achieving their goal of seizing the Guards headquarters in Chabahar and Rask,” Deputy Interior Minister Majid Mirahmadi told state media.

State media also said that ten other security officers were injured in the fighting in the impoverished region, which has a predominantly Sunni Muslim population.

Jaish al-Adl is an extremist Sunni Muslim terror group that operates in southeastern Iran and the western Pakistani province of Balochistan. (JPost / VFI News)

“Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword.” - Revelation 6:4

NYPD Reports Spike in Antisemitic Crimes, Reversing Previous Trend

Antisemitic crimes in New York City spiked in March, reversing a month-by-month decline in the number of anti-Jewish incidents recorded by the NYPD, American-based Jewish media reported on Thursday, April 4.

There were 43 antisemitic incidents in the five boroughs reported to police last month, more than double the 17 reported in February, according to the report.

Anti-Jewish crimes in New York City spiked after Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel, with 69 incidents in October and 62 in November. However, the rate declined after that, with 31 incidents in both December and January and 17 last month. March’s tally was the highest so far this year.

Recent incidents of antisemitism in New York City included two attacks on a kosher restaurant within four days. In December, a man was indicted on multiple hate crimes in connection with allegedly punching an Israeli tourist in Times Square after making antisemitic remarks including, “Hamas should kill more of you."

In addition, anti-Israel protesters have caused chaos in and around the city, including an incident when protesters caused delays at JFK Airport as they blocked the Belt Parkway, a major thoroughfare used by vehicles to travel to the airport. (INN / VFI News)

“Do not let those gloat over me who are my enemies without cause; do not let those who hate me without reason maliciously wink the eye.” - Psalm 35:19

Bulgarian Police Finds Weapon Arsenal Meant for Hamas Terrorists - Report

The Bulgarian police announced on Thursday, April 4, that it had found a weapon arsenal that four Hamas terrorists were planning on using for an attack against Jews in Europe, Israeli media reported.

The police unearthed the arsenal beneath a tree in southern Bulgaria.

According to reports, the suspects had been arrested in December. Three of them were arrested in Germany and one in the Netherlands. (JPost / VFI News)

“Lord, we pray for the protection of the Jewish people around the world. We ask that any terror attack aimed at Jews will be thwarted. We pray that You would supernaturally reveal those secret attempts and schemes to the authorities and that none of them will come to fruition.”

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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