
VFI News Hezbollah Threatens Escalation, Israel Tells UN about Hezbollah and Iranian Threats

Israel News Update: Political Unrest & Economic Challenges | VFI News

In this edition, we delve into Israel's domestic political scene, including a troubling incident involving Mayor Aliza Bloch. We also discuss the impact of a leaked meeting between Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen and Libya's foreign minister on Israel's foreign relations.

Discover the economic challenges facing Israel, its high cost of living, and the efforts to address them. Additionally, celebrate the achievements of Israel's national Rhythmic Gymnastics team and gain insight into the country's resilience and determination despite ongoing challenges.

Join host Barry Segal in this comprehensive update from the Holy Land.

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Iran Pushing Hezbollah to Launch Terror Attacks on Israel, Gallant Tells UN

Iran is pressing its proxy group Hezbollah to attack Israel along its northern border, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, as he urged him to ensure that the organization’s peacekeeping force is empowered to monitor the situation.

“The potential for escalation on the northern border is increasing following a blatant violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty by Hezbollah’s military build-up,” Gallant said. “The UN must urgently intervene to reduce tensions by strengthening the freedom of movement of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon in the region, and implementing its mandate on the northern border,” Gallant told Guterres.

Gallant pointed specifically to Hezbollah’s breach of Israeli territory by placing a military tent there, and the establishment of dozens of other military compounds on Israel’s northern border. There is also an increase in Hezbollah patrols in that area, he said.

In his conversation with Guterres, Gallant also underscored the problem of Iran’s nuclear ambition and its growing involvement in financing and arming terrorism and militant attacks against Israel. He also spoke with Guterres about the importance of a UN condemnation of Iran’s activities against Israel. “Israel will act against any violation of sovereignty and threat to the lives of its citizens,” the defense minister said.

The two men met as the United Nations Security Council was set on Wednesday, August 30, to renew the annual mandate of its 10,500-member peacekeeping force on that border, known as UNIFIL. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we ask that You protect Israeli citizens from foreign enemies and malevolent forces that try to bring about Israel’s demise. We thank You for gifting us outspoken leaders who strive for our security and we pray that other world leaders will soon take a stance and defend Israel with all their might as well.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

Nasrallah Warns Israel Against Targeting Hamas Leaders in Lebanon

Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah warned that any Israeli assassination of a Lebanese, Palestinian, Iranian, Syrian, or any other person in Lebanese territory would "lead to a strong reaction," in response to reports that Israel could target Hamas officials in the country, on Monday evening, August 28.

Nasrallah referenced recent statements by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accusing Iran of financing terrorist attacks in Judea and Samaria, stating "The Israeli enemy, in the face of the escalation of resistance … fled to accuse Iran and to pretend that what is happening there is an Iranian plan and that the Palestinians there are tools, and this is foolishness."

"Yes, the Islamic Republic supports the oppressed Palestinian people, but the resistance project is a Palestinian project."

The Hezbollah leader also downplayed the threats of targeted assassinations against terrorists in the Iran-backed axis of factions in the region, saying "Were these assassinations able to shake the resistance?"

"These threats do not make the resistance recede. Neither the threat nor the implementation of the threat will weaken the resistance, but will increase its determination, presence, and strength."

Nasrallah also referenced efforts to renew the mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), warning that there was an attempt to have UNIFIL spy for Israel because it operated in areas that IDF drones, spies, or cameras cannot reach. Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib also rejected a draft resolution to renew the mandate over the weekend. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we pray that we can live peacefully in our country and not have to resort to violence to reinstate our sovereignty and defend our rights. We ask that You stop all of these foreign forces and terrorist organizations, and help them realize the futility of their plans against Israel so that they will not provoke our nation further.”

Iran Boasts New Submarines, Demands US Leave Syria

A new generation of Ghadir midget submarines and Fateh submarines will be made for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ navy, Iran said Monday, August 28.

Tehran also slammed the “illegal presence of the US in Syria” in statements by Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani on Monday at a weekly briefing. Tehran’s comments appear to be a warning to the US that Iran could encourage proxy groups to continue to target Americans in Syria. The Iranian Foreign Ministry says the US is the “source” of instability in Syria.

Iran made many comments about the Mideast region. It boasted of working on improving ties with Bahrain and Egypt and slammed continued US sanctions.

The Iranian navy is historically quite small, but Iran does operate several submarines. Iran has several Russian submarines it has used since the 1990s, according to naval expert H. I Sutton.

Iran also constructed midget submarines, which it calls the Ghadir. It also has the 157-foot Fateh class of submarines. The Iranians intend to equip the IRGC with both Ghadir and Fateh submarines, according to the report. This is supposed to expand Iran’s power in the Persian Gulf. (JPost / VFI News)

“But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble.” - Proverbs 4:19

Jordan Downs Drone from Syria in Third Incident in August

The Jordanian army said it downed a drone heading from Syria on Monday, August 28, in the third such incident in August, while officials said an increase in weapons being smuggled across the border was raising concerns about a new Iranian-instigated threat beyond drugs.

The army said in a statement that the drone was brought down in its territory but did not say what it was carrying. Officials have recently revealed weapons were being smuggled as well as narcotics by drone.

Jordanian officials said the increasing use of drones carrying explosives was adding a new dimension in a relentless cross-border billion-dollar drug war the staunch US ally has long blamed on Iranian-backed militias that hold sway in southern Syria.

"This is Iranian targeting of Jordan, helped by the presence of their militias near our border. It poses a security threat that goes beyond drugs," Samih Al Maitah, a former minister familiar with developments along the border said.

Syria is accused by Arab governments and the West of producing the highly addictive and lucrative amphetamine Captagon and organizing its smuggling into the Gulf, with Jordan being a main transit route. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we pray for the Jordanian people’s safety and we thank You for protecting them. We ask that You prevent Iran and other malevolent entities from harming nations and intervening with their internal matters, as well as their citizens’ health. May you stop them from acquiring more power and accessing other countries onwards.”

WATCH: Hashmieni (Show Me Your Unfailing Love) by Barry & Batya Segal

In this beautiful text, David asks God for continued counsel, refuge, and love. Like Him, we must all trust in our Father and never doubt His loving-kindness, which is new every morning. Together, let us call out to our heavenly Father, to teach us the way in which we should walk, for God lifts up our souls.

Israel’s Cost of Living the Highest Among OECD Countries in 2022, Data Shows

Israel ranked first place in a list of developed countries with the highest cost of living in 2022, data published Sunday, August 27, by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) showed.

In Israel, prices were 38 percent higher than the average in OECD member countries, according to the comparative index. In second place in the ranking table was Switzerland, closely followed by Iceland, then the US in fourth place.

Israel’s economy is characterized by over-concentration in some sectors, like food and household goods, compared to other markets. The prices of some basic consumer goods, including milk, bread, and cheese are between 50% to 70% more expensive in Israel versus average price levels in OECD member countries.

Israel was also the most expensive country in which to buy a home in the European region in 2022, according to a new report by financial advisory company Deloitte.

Furthermore, according to a survey published by the Israel Democracy Institute earlier this year, the Israeli public is mostly concerned about the high cost of living, with two-thirds of respondents thinking food prices are the most significant factor, around half blaming housing costs, and 29% indirect taxation. (TOI / VFI News)

“If anyone is poor among your fellow Israelites in any of the towns of the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward them. Rather, be openhanded and freely lend them whatever they need.” - Deuteronomy 15:7-8

Israeli Firm Gets FDA Approval for Rectum Shield that Blocks Radiation

BioProtect Ltd., an Israeli medical devices manufacturer, has recently received FDA clearance for their innovative BioProtect Balloon Implant System, a biodegradable product that shields the rectum from unnecessary radiation during prostate cancer treatment.

When implanted and inflated, the device creates a consistent, reliable, and reproducible space between the prostate and rectum while also acting as a shield, reducing the amount of stray radiation absorbed by the latter during radiation therapy.

Prostate cancer ranks as the second most prevalent cancer among American men, with over a quarter of a million new cases diagnosed in 2023, as per the American Cancer Society. By providing reliable protection to the rectum, BioProtect offers a major paradigm shift in the way the condition can be treated.

"We believe that our balloon has the potential to revolutionize rectal protection from toxicity during prostate cancer radiation therapy," said Itay Barnea, CEO of BioProtect. "Not only does it provide better protection to healthy organs, it also supports dose escalation and hypofractionation, which are leading trends in prostate cancer radiation therapy." (JPost / VFI News)

“Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal My people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.” - Jeremiah 33:6

Israeli Soccer Star Signs with German Powerhouse Bayern Munich

Israeli soccer player Daniel Peretz has reportedly agreed to a long-term contract to join F.C. Bayern Munich, the powerhouse soccer club in Germany’s top-tier Bundesliga. According to multiple news reports, he will become the first Israeli to play for the club.

The 23-year-old goalkeeper has played for Maccabi Tel Aviv in the Israeli Premier League and on Israel’s national team. The Tel Aviv native already holds a German passport. Peretz is expected to be the team’s third-string goalie, with the chance to compete for the primary backup slot.

Bayern Munich, the most decorated club in German football history, will pay a transfer fee of at least 5 million euros (around $5.4 million) to Maccabi Tel Aviv.

The soccer club, which has won the Bundesliga an unprecedented 11 consecutive times, and 33 times in total, has a rich Jewish history. Kurt Landauer, an early Jewish president of the team who survived the Holocaust and returned to helm the team again in the late 1940s, played a crucial role in building Bayern Munich into the juggernaut it is today.

Lothar Matthaus, a former Bayern Munich midfielder who went on to coach Maccabi Netanya in 2008-2009, said Israeli soccer is in a strong place, “I experienced that — and that is still the case today.” (INN / VFI News)

Israel Uncovers Massive Section of Second Temple-Era Aqueduct in Jerusalem

The longest continuous section of Jerusalem’s ancient aqueduct has been uncovered in Givat Hamatos, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced on Monday, August 28.

The stretch of the ancient aqueduct, which measures some 300 meters (roughly 1,000 feet) in length, was discovered during archaeological excavations of the area prior to the planned development of the settlement by the Municipality of Jerusalem.

The municipality plans on building schools. One of the companies involved in the Givat Hamatos development, Arim, funded the archaeological efforts. A number of ancient coins, including a coin minted at the time of the First Jewish–Roman War, were also discovered.

Antiquities Authority excavation directors Dr. Ofer Shyam and Ruth Cohen note that the Jerusalem aqueduct was built to meet the ancient city’s growing water demands. "In the late days of the Second Temple, the city of Jerusalem grew significantly. The Temple had been rebuilt and the water that flowed in conduits and cisterns was no longer sufficient for the thousands of pilgrims and residents,” they explain.

One of the aqueducts, “the Upper Aqueduct” channeled water to the upper city, which is presently the Jewish and Armenian Quarters of the Old City. The other, “the Lower Aqueduct,” brought water to the Temple.

Shyam and Cohen describe these aqueducts as being “among the largest and most complex water systems in the land of Israel – and indeed, in the ancient world.” (JPost / VFI News)

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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