
VFI News Israel Won’t Send Delegation to the US After the Latter Failed to Veto a Ceasefire-Only Proposal

Israel Ignores UN Ceasefire Resolution Amid U.S Veto | VFI News

Recent weeks have witnessed a surge in Hezbollah rocket attacks targeting Israeli territory, including barrages launched by Hezbollah from Lebanon, resulting in civilian casualties and heightened fears of escalating conflict. In response, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have conducted strikes deep within Lebanese territory, underscoring the volatile nature of regional dynamics.

Furthermore, the Biden Administration's decision to abstain from a United Nations Security Council vote on a non-binding resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza has further strained Israel's diplomatic standing. The resolution, while non-binding, carries significant diplomatic weight and signals a departure from previous U.S. support for Israel, raising concerns about the future trajectory of U.S.-Israel relations.

Meanwhile, internal debates within Israel intensify over the issue of conscription, particularly concerning Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men. Calls for reform and the abolition of exemptions for Ultra-Orthodox individuals from national service have ignited tensions within Israeli society and the governing coalition, potentially reshaping the country's political landscape.

In parallel, ongoing hostage situations involving Israeli citizens held by militant groups, notably in Gaza, add further complexity to Israel's security challenges. Despite diplomatic efforts, the plight of hostages remains unresolved, highlighting the human cost of conflict in the region.

Amidst these challenges, Israel confronts external threats from Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, who seek to disrupt international shipping routes in the Red Sea. The Houthis' actions underscore broader regional power struggles and Iran's ambitions to exert influence across the Middle East, posing additional security concerns for Israel and its allies.

Throughout these turbulent times, calls for prayer and preparedness resonate, urging support for leaders navigating unprecedented challenges and uncertainty. As Israel navigates a rapidly evolving geopolitical landscape, staying informed and engaged with developments is paramount for understanding the complexities shaping the region's future.

Join us as we delve deeper into these pressing issues and provide in-depth analysis of Israel's diplomatic, security, and political challenges in an ever-changing geopolitical environment.

#israelnews #ceasefire #hamas #gaza

Blessed Good Friday and a Happy Resurrection Day!

We would like to wish all of our readers a happy and dblessed Good Friday and Resurrection Day as we remember Yeshua’s death and resurrection. May this be a time of spiritual awakening and joyful celebration of God’s unending and unconditional Love for us. May you commemorate God’s blessings, sacrifice, and the extended hand He offers us toward salvation. We pray that He will continually help, protect, and shelter you and your loved ones while blessing you beyond belief.``

PM’s Office Doesn’t Send Delegation to Washington, Says Hamas Has Rejected All US Proposed Compromises

The Prime Minister’s Office responded to the USA’s refusal to veto a UN Security Council decision that called for a ceasefire without the release of the hostages. “The USA has retracted its consistent position that a ceasefire and the release of the hostages must be connected, which it demonstrated just a few days ago.”

“In a previous resolution, Russia and China vetoed a call for a ceasefire because they support a ceasefire without the release of the hostages. The current resolution was supported by Russia, China, Algeria, and other countries.”

“The USA did not veto a new wording of the resolution that calls for a ceasefire without the release of the hostages. This is a clear withdrawal from the USA’s consistent position in the Security Council since the beginning of the war,” the Office added.

Prime Minister Netanyahu has clarified that if the USA withdraws from its principled position, he will not send an Israeli delegation to the USA. “In light of the change in the American position, the Prime Minister has decided that the delegation will in fact not be sent,” the Office explained. The delegation would participate in a series of conferences regarding coordinating an operation in Rafah with the USA.

The Prime Minister’s Office on Tuesday morning, March 26, also said that Hamas is not interested in a prisoner swap agreement. “Hamas has once again rejected every US compromise and returned to its extremist demands: an immediate end to the war, the IDF’s complete withdrawal from the Strip, and remaining in power so that they can repeat the October 7 massacre over and over again, as they have promised to do,” the Office said in a statement.

“Israel will not cave to Hamas’ outrageous demands, and will continue operating to achieve all of the goals of the war: the release of all the hostages, the destruction of Hamas’ military and governing abilities, and ensuring that Gaza will never again threaten Israel.” (INN / VFI News)

“Our Heavenly Father, we pray for an end to the months-long war that will ensure the return of all our hostages. We pray that You guide our leaders to make the best decisions for them and our nation. We pray that the terrorists’s attempts will fail and that the hostages are released with no further delay, in Yeshua’s name. May You keep all the hostages safe from violence and diseases, and heal their physical and psychological wounds.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

President Herzog: We Must Get to Sinwar - Either Alive Or Dead - to Free the Hostages

Israeli President Isaac Herzog on Tuesday, March 26, attended the inauguration ceremony of the Mobileye Campus in Jerusalem. “Seeing Israeli industry thriving at full strength – that’s the real victory,” he began.

“Regarding the negotiations for the release of the hostages: The reality is this - and the world and us must face it - everything begins and ends with Yahya Sinwar,” Herzog stressed.

“He’s the one who decided on the October massacre, he’s been seeking to shed the blood of the innocent ever since, it is he who aims to escalate the regional situation, to desecrate Ramadan, to do everything to shatter coexistence in our country and in the whole region, to sow discord among us and around the world.”

“He seeks terror, and the entire world and our entire region must know that the responsibility lies with him, and with him alone. It won’t work. We won’t allow it.” Herzog continued,

“At this moment, we must be united and determined. Israel is making every effort to bring the hostages home - making every effort in a range of fields. In the end, there is no choice. We must continue the fight, and we must get to Sinwar - either alive or dead - so that we can see the hostages back home.” (INN / VFI News)

“He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets prisoners free.” - Psalm 146:7

Reports in Syria: 36 Syrian Military Personnel Killed in Israeli Strike

Syrian media reported overnight Thursday, March 28, that Israel carried out an air strike in the vicinity of Aleppo, in the northwest of the country. According to the reports, the country’s air defense systems were activated in the area following the attack.

A website affiliated with the Syrian opposition reported that the strike targeted the international airport in Aleppo. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which is affiliated with the opposition and operates from London, reported that three explosions were heard in the vicinity of the airport.

The Syrian army claimed that several civilians and military personnel were killed in the attack which it attributed to Israel and “terrorist organizations.” The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 36 soldiers from President Bashar Al-Assad’s army were killed in the strike.

British media reported that five members of Hezbollah were also killed in the strike. The airport in Aleppo has been struck in the past, with some of those attacks, that were attributed to Israel, putting the airport temporarily out of service.

This past October, Syria claimed, “The Israeli enemy carried out an air attack from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea, west of Latakia, targeting Aleppo International Airport, which led to material damage to the airport and it being out of service.” (INN / VFI News)

“Do not envy the violent or choose any of their ways.” - Proverbs 3:31

UNRWA Textbooks Were Pivotal in Radicalizing Generations of Gazans — Watchdog

A map of the Middle East in a geography book makes no mention of the State of Israel, showing “Palestine” in its place; a history book narrates a 1968 battle between the Israeli army, the Jordanians, and Palestinian fedayeen, extolling the latter’s courage in wearing explosive belts, and praising the “image of a burnt Zionist soldier”

A chemistry book asks students to analyze the type of chemicals contained in phosphorous bombs allegedly dropped by Israel; an Islamic studies book describes the goals of jihad as “terrorizing the enemy” and “achieving martyrdom.”

These are examples from textbooks used in schools in Gaza run by the UNRWA, as highlighted in a recent report compiled by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se).

“The cooperation between UNRWA and Hamas is absolutely undeniable,” said Marcus Sheff, CEO of IMPACT-se, “both in educating the terrorists that perpetrated the October 7 atrocities and in being part, as we discovered afterwards, of the terror infrastructure in its schools and in its hospitals.”

Israel has said it has evidence that at least 12 UNRWA employees took an “active part” in the October 7 massacres, that at least 30 more “assisted,” and that around 1,500 of the agency’s employees in Gaza (some 10 percent) have active ties to terror groups. (TOI / VFI News)

“God, we ask that You help the international community see that the Palestinian youth is being systematically indoctrinated and radicalized by the UNRWA, the same organization that eventually employed criminals who participated in the events of the October 7 massacre. May everyone who took part in this horrifying attack be found and may justice be served for the crimes they committed.”

WATCH: Donation Of Life-saving Gear To Southern Emergency Teams

Following the events of October 7th, Vision for Israel immediately connected with emergency response teams in the Eshkol Regional Council. Thanks to generous donations, we were able to provide vital supplies including defibrillators, radio devices, and scanning flashlights for 32 teams. The total value of these donations amounted to 500,000 Shekels. On January 17th, we had the honor of personally delivering this equipment to the security chiefs in the 32 settlements of the Eshkol Region. Despite the tragedy of losing nine security officers in the October 7th massacre, our commitment remained unwavering. Many of the officers remembered Barry, the dedicated donor, who tirelessly ensured the safety of residents in shelters. Their gratitude echoed in the testimonies of hundreds of lives saved. Each emergency response team received a kit consisting of 1 defibrillator, 3 radio devices, and 3 scanning lights. We extend heartfelt appreciation to our generous donors and the dedicated VFI team members who made this initiative possible. Vision for Israel remains steadfast in our commitment to support the southern settlements throughout and beyond this conflict. We came to uplift them, and in turn, we found strength in their resilience. Together, we continue to build hope and restoration.

Senator Graham: UNRWA Is Dead to the United States

US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said on Wednesday, March 27, that the UNRWA is “dead to the Congress” and “dead to the United States.”

Speaking to reporters during a visit to Israel, Graham said, “For decades now, Palestinian children have been taught through UNRWA and other agencies to kill all the Jews. Somebody needs to pull the Palestinian school system up by its roots and destroy it.”

He underscored that the US has no intention of resuming its funding to UNRWA. “UNRWA as an organization is dead to the United States and the people of Israel. It must be replaced in terms of health care, basic necessities like food, as well as education,” Graham stated.

The US and a host of other countries announced they would temporarily pause funding to UNRWA in January, after Israel said that 12 UNRWA staff had taken part in Hamas’ October 7 attack. A recent agreement reached by US congressional leaders and the White House will continue the ban on US funding for UNRWA until March 2025. (INN / VFI News)

“It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.” - Luke 17:2

Al Jazeera Takes Down Video Falsely Alleging IDF Rapes in Shifa Hospital

After a former managing director of Qatari news outlet Al Jazeera took to X Sunday night, March 24, to disavow the network’s false allegation that soldiers from the IDF had raped women during their ongoing operation in Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital, video of the woman who made these allegations was removed.

“Hamas investigations revealed that the story of the rape of women in Shifa Hospital was fabricated,” wrote Yasser Abu Hilalah on X. “Of course, the enemy did not hesitate to commit the crime of genocide,” he added.

On Sunday morning, Al Jazeera quoted a woman named Jamila al-Hissi, said to have been trapped in the hospital for six days, as saying that Israeli soldiers there had “raped women, kidnapped women, executed women, and pulled dead bodies from under the rubble to unleash their dogs on them.”

“Is there anything worse than this? Is there anything more horrifying than hearing women call for help, and when we try to reach them to provide assistance, they shoot at us?” al-Hissi had been quoted as saying.

The report quoting al-Hissi was still available on Al Jazeera’s liveblog as of Monday afternoon, but a video of her testimony was apparently removed. (TOI / VFI News)

“Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread.” - Proverbs 30:8

Israel Slams Colombian President as a ‘Disgrace’ After He Threatens to Cut off Ties

Colombian President Gustavo Petro on Tuesday, March 26, threatened to break off diplomatic ties with Israel if the country doesn’t comply with a United Nations Security Council resolution that calls for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Petro made the announcement on X, formerly known as Twitter.

On Monday, he published another message in which he celebrated the resolution’s approval and urged other nations to suspend ties with Israel if it doesn’t cease its military offensive in the Gaza Strip.

Foreign Minister Israel Katz blasted Gustavo’s call to cut ties, writing on X that Gustavo’s support for “the Hamas murderers who carried out terrible acts of slaughter and sexual crimes against babies, women, and adults is a disgrace to the Colombian people.”

“Israel will continue to defend its citizens and will not give in to any pressure or threats,” he declared. The confrontation on X signals a growing deterioration in the relations between both nations, which have gone from being military and commercial partners to becoming bitter ideological rivals.

For decades, Colombia used Israeli-built warplanes and machine guns to fight drug cartels and rebel groups, and both countries signed a free trade agreement in 2020. (TOI / VFI News)

“The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.” - Proverbs 12:26

First Orthodox Jewish US Senator Joe Lieberman Dies at 82

Former US senator and Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Lieberman has died at the age of 82. He died from complications from a fall, American media reported in a social media post on X, citing family.

Lieberman spent 24 years as Senator for Connecticut and was the first Orthodox Jew to serve in the Senate. While there had been other Jews in the Senate, Lieberman was the first Jew to keep Sabbath to Orthodox standards, meaning he didn’t attend Senate business from sundown on Friday to Saturday.

Lieberman also kept Kosher and prayed daily, in addition to not working on the Sabbath. He was known for a strong focus on morality during his time, denouncing gratuitous sex and violence in films, television shows, and pop music.

Lieberman was noted for his bi-partisanship, having worked closely with Democrats and Republicans throughout his time in the Senate. He was so successful that Republican candidate John McCain considered picking him as his running mate in 2008, American media reported.

Lieberman’s daughter Hana Lowenstein, her husband Daniel, and four children all made aliyah in 2018. Separately, his granddaughter Nesya Lieberman made aliyah earlier that year. He is survived by his wife Hadassah and their three children. (JPost / VFI News)

“Lord, we pray for the family of Senator Joe Lieberman and we hope that You give them strength and comfort during this difficult time. We pray that they find rest in You at all times and gain Your peace which transcends all understanding.”

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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