
VFI News One Dead in Judea and Samaria Terror Attack, Tel Aviv Attack Thwarted; Haniyeh's Son Claims to Know What Led to His Death

One Dead in Judea and Samaria Terror Attack, Tel Aviv Attack Thwarted; Haniyeh's Son Claims to Know What Led to His Death

One Dead in Judea and Samaria Terror Attack, Tel Aviv Attack Thwarted; Haniyeh's Son Claims to Know What Led to His Death . . . https://www.youtube.com/embed/_q6-NpB0FX4

Israeli Civilian Killed in Judea and Samaria Terror Attack, IDF Launches Manhunt

Gideon Peri, 38, was killed in a terrorist attack on Sunday, August 18, in Judea and Samaria at the Bar-On industrial zone in the northern Judea and Samaria.

He was brought in critical condition by military vehicle to Rabin Medical Center-Beilinson Campus in Petah Tikva, where medical staff later pronounced him dead. He was married and had three children.

No Palestinian group has so far claimed responsibility. The attacker, Palestinian Sultan Nadel Abd Alaziz Abd Alghani, in his 20s, hit the guard’s head with a hammer, stole his weapon, and drove off in a stolen car.

Since the attack, security forces have been searching for him in the surrounding areas; by press time, he had not been apprehended. He had a work permit in the field of woodworking. The industrial zone employs both Israelis and Palestinians, the latter working under supervision.

Peri was from the settlement of Kedumim. Samaria Regional Council Head Yossi Dagan pointed the blame at the Palestinian Authority. “We must reinforce deterrence. This terrorist attack could not have happened without the incitement and terror funded by the Palestinian Authority.”

“This man [the attacker] will receive [from the PA] a hefty lifetime sum for what he did. This will come from Abu Mazen [Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas] … And, the day he is released from prison, he will receive a pension equivalent to that of a general in the ‘Palestinian police,’ the same one that says it fights terror in the spirit of the Oslo agreements.” (JPost / VFI News)

“Lord, we send our sincerest condolences to the family of Gideon Peri and ask that You comfort them during this tense period of grief. We pray in Yeshua’s name that You will be there as a loving Father to his three children, that You provide for them and his widow, and that You defend their cause. We pray that the terrorist will be arrested soon, be brought to justice, and doesn’t get the opportunity to hurt anyone else.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

Police Confirm Tel Aviv Explosion Was Failed Terror Attack

Police and Shin Bet confirmed on Monday, August 19, that the Sunday night explosion in Tel Aviv was a terrorist attack carried out via a powerful explosive device. The police and Shin Bet further added that the alertness levels had been raised throughout Gush Dan, and searches were being carried out in the area.

According to Israeli media, the terrorist came from Judea and Samaria. On Monday morning, Haim Bobalil, Police commander of the Ayalon area of Tel Aviv, said that, following an assessment, the police believed it was a terrorist threat. “It was a miracle that it did not explode in the nearest synagogue or in the shopping center. It could have ended in dozens of deaths.”

Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics said they found an unconscious body with multiple systemic injuries and later pronounced him dead.

In addition, a 33-year-old man was moderately wounded. MDA paramedics provided the individual medical treatment and evacuated him to Sourasky Medical Center with shrapnel injuries to his limbs and chest.

Police initially said they were “having difficulty identifying the body,” but said that the person killed was “not an innocent civilian, but rather the person who was carrying the explosive device. Whether this is criminal or terrorism-related, it’s too early to say.” (JPost / VFI News)

“A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.” - Psalm 91:7

Haniyeh's Son Claims Hamas Leader Was Killed by Guided Missile that Tracked His Cell Phone

Hamas head Ismail Haniyeh was killed by a guided missile that tracked his cell phone, his son Abdussalam Haniyeh told Saudi Arabia-based media on Friday, August 16, from Doha, Qatar, in an interview.

Haniyeh was killed in Tehran on July 31, and it was reported by American media and independently confirmed by Israeli media that an explosive device was planted in his room months before he was killed.

The bomb was hidden in June and used cutting-edge remote technology that was also used in the killing of Iran nuclear chief Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, according to the two reports. Haniyeh’s son told the Saudi Arabian news outlet that this was not the case.

“I think the story of an explosive device is completely baseless,” he said. “There were bodyguards and other advisers sitting in a room a few meters away from his room, so it’s clear that if there were an explosive device, the whole place would be blown up,” he added.

“It was a guided missile that tracked his mobile phone that he had placed at night in his room near his head, which was directly hit,” Haniyeh claimed. He added that his father had been using his phone constantly and even used it at 10:15 p.m. the same night he was killed. (JPost / VFI News)

“Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away.” - Psalm 37:1-2

Former Justice Minister: Deal Proposed Today Is 'The Worst Deal Imaginable'

Former Justice Minister Haim Ramon spoke out against the proposed ceasefire-prisoner swap deal, saying that it is “the worst deal” that Israel could possibly agree to.

Ramon said in an interview, “The deal proposed today is the worst of all worlds. In practice, we will end the war …  and we will receive only 20 living hostages and not the rest.”

“What needs to be offered to Sinwar is to end the war on condition that all the hostages are returned, with all of the heavy prices, with the Philadelphi [Corridor]. All at once, they all come back,” he emphasized.

“If they all come back, that has a value which it is hard to imagine from the perspective of Israeli society, from the perspective of how we will feel, and the lowly murderers? Their day will come. But all of them need to be returned, with all the enormous significance.”

“If Sinwar says no, it only proves that he does not want to release them all,” Ramon added. (INN / VFI News)

“Our Heavenly Father, we continually pray for all the hostages currently being held by Hamas for more than 10 months. We pray in Yeshua’s name that they be released as soon as possible and that You will heal their physical, mental, and emotional wounds. We hope that a better deal is drafted, that the negotiations will be fruitful and we ask that You guide our leaders into making the best decisions for the vulnerable.”

WATCH: Honoring the Memory: Nova Dance Festival Tragedy Memorial

Witness the devastating impact of the brutal attack by Hamas terrorists on October 7, which claimed the lives of over 360 individuals and left many others wounded or taken hostage. We stand in solidarity with the affected families, offering prayers and support. Let us remember and honor the victims, ensuring their legacy endures as a beacon of resilience and unity.

IDF Distributes Flyers in Northern Khan Yunis and Eastern Deir al Balah

The IDF announced that “due to significant acts of terrorism, the exploitation of the Humanitarian Area for terrorist activities, and the firing of rockets and mortars toward the State of Israel in the north of Khan Yunis, remaining in this area has become dangerous.”

“Therefore, at this time the Humanitarian Area will be adjusted. The adjustment is being made following accurate intelligence information according to which the Hamas terrorist organization has established terrorist infrastructure in an area defined as a Humanitarian Area.”

“The advance warning to civilians is being issued in order to mitigate harm to the civilian population and to enable civilians to move away from the combat zone.”

“The IDF will act against the terrorist organizations in the area, and therefore calls on the remaining population in northern Khan Yunis and eastern Deir al Balah to temporarily evacuate to the adjusted Humanitarian Area,” the IDF stated.

The calls for the evacuation are being communicated to residents through flyers, SMS messages, recorded voice messages, phone calls, and media broadcasts in Arabic. (INN / VFI News) 

“Dear God, we pray for the civilians who have been displaced multiple times so far and are plagued by the current war and Hamas’ control. We pray in Yeshua’s name that Hamas is dismantled so they find a haven and rebuild their lives in dignity. We pray for the war to be over as soon as possible and we thank You for keeping us safe and being our Provider and comforter during this trying time.”

Walz’s Minnesota Administration Gave $2,000,000 to Muslim Group Fundraising for al Qaeda-Linked Charity

 “Walz administration awarded $2 million to Muslim group fundraising for al Qaeda-linked charity,” claimed Gabe Kaminsky, an investigative reporter for American media, on Friday, August 16.

More specifically, he wrote that “under Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN), the state of Minnesota awarded over $2 million to an Islamic group that fundraises for a charity linked to an al Qaeda affiliate, according to funding records reviewed by the Washington Examiner.”

“The Islamic Association of North America, the recipient of the state grants from 2019 to 2024, is fundraising after Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel last year for Rahma Worldwide, a Michigan-based charity that says it is shipping humanitarian aid to Gaza, according to flyers,” he added.

“In a since-deleted Facebook post in October 2023, Rahma Worldwide President Shadi Zaza revealed his charity was collaborating on an aid initiative with the Islamic Heritage Revival Society of Kuwait, a terrorist group sanctioned by the U.S. government for funding al Qaeda.”

“As Minnesota’s governor, Walz has repeatedly hosted Muslim cleric Asad Zaman, who shared a pro-Adolf Hitler movie on social media and defended the Oct. 7 attack. Moreover, according to unearthed footage, Walz referred to Zaman as a “master teacher” at a 2018 event held by the Zaman-led Muslim American Society of Minnesota, which partners with the IANA,” he stated. (JW / VFI News)

Tel Aviv Rises to Fourth Best City in the World for Startups

The Startup Genome website, which provides in-depth data about the start-up business world, has published its 2024 report listing the best places for entrepreneurs to try and establish a startup.

Tel Aviv is ranked in fourth place, up from fifth place last year, and currently tied with Los Angeles. This is its second year of improvement, after rising from 7th to 5th place between 2022-2023.

Silicone Valley has extended a streak of several years as first place, and New York City and London have continued their long-standing tie for second.

Chinese cities have fallen overall in the rankings, continuing a negative trend from the 2023 report. Other nations in the region have risen, with Seoul and Tokyo both climbing several spaces over the past few years to reach the top ten.

The report claims to be based on research and analysis of data from 4.5 million startups across 300 global ecosystems, intending to provide valuable perspectives on the global startup landscape and actionable recommendations for entrepreneurs, investors, policymakers, and other stakeholders. (INN / VFI News)

“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” - Joshua 1:8

Archaeologists Discover 'Prayer Road' Where Yeshua and His Disciples 'Walked Every Day'

Archaeologists have discovered a quarry where stones were carved out to pave the streets of ancient Jerusalem in the days of Yeshua the Messiah. The stones were constructed to build the ancient Pilgrim’s Road, a 2,000-year-old stepped stone path where Yeshua and His disciples are said to have roamed.

Pilgrimage Street is believed to be the street leading to the Pool of Siloam where Yeshua healed a blind man, which also led to the ancient Jewish Temple where Yeshua would have prayed.

The site was discovered on the southeast side of Jerusalem and extends about 37,600 square feet, making it one of the largest and most significant quarries ever found in Jerusalem.

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) uncovered numerous building stones at the site, that matched those found at another excavated site two miles away, named Pilgrimage Road, or Pilgrim’s Road.

The researchers found that the road, which once connected the City of David to the Jewish Temple, had paving slabs that were the same size and thickness as those at the building site. They reported that the stone slabs at both sites also had identical markings from cutting trenches around the rock and extracting it from the ground. (DM / VFI News)

“Go,” He told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam.” So the man went and washed, and came home seeing. - John 9:7

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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