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An improvised rocket launcher and other weapons

Jenin Operation: IDF Nabs Hundreds of Explosive Devices from Terror Lab

The IDF on Sunday night, July 2, launched its largest operation in Jenin since the Second Intifada with a series of more than ten airstrikes and moving brigade-level forces into the northern West Bank Palestinian city.

The IDF Chief Spokesperson Brig.-Gen. Daniel Hagari refused to set a timeline for the operation, but the impression was that it would last a minimum of several days, and could easily last weeks or longer, but would not be open-ended and would not lead to the IDF trying to permanently hold territory in any way.

During the operation, soldiers located and confiscated an improvised rocket launcher and other weapons. Most notably, they destroyed several laboratories for the production and storage of explosives, according to an IDF statement.

One of the larger laboratories had hundreds of improvised explosives ready for use and another one had dozens of such explosives also ready for use.

Overall, over 300 Palestinian improvised explosives were seized and a couple dozen key terror command and control and other targets were destroyed. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we thank You for gifting us insightful leaders, competent defense forces, and brave soldiers who pledge to protect all Israeli citizens. We are humbly grateful for You and them, and we pray for the cessation of hostilities and terrorist acts.”