Russian Missile Hits Ukrainian Synagogue, Chief Rabbi Condemns Attack
A chief rabbi of Ukraine condemned a Russian missile damaging a synagogue in Huliaipole on Tuesday, January 31. "In a normative world it is accepted that holy places are off limits, the Russians also broke this convention," said Rabbi Moshe Azman. "I expect world leaders to strongly condemn the criminal act."
Former minister, MK Zeev Elkin tweeted that "a Russian missile hit an ancient Synagogue in Ukraine in the area where my late great-grandfather was born, grew up, and was murdered, during the civil war."
He added that he is named for this great-grandfather. Confronting the attack "How sad and disgusting," he said of the damage done by Russia to this synagogue. "The world should condemn damage to holy sites and houses of worship, even when it comes to war," Elkin wrote.
Elkin made aliyah from Ukraine, and while he was a member of the Likud party, would accompany Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin as a confidant and translator. "I'm in touch with all Jewish communities in our area and there aren't many Jews that live in Huliaipole,"
Rabbi Nachum Ehrentreu, rabbi and Chabad emissary of the Jewish Community of Zaporozhye said that it seems it wasn't a missile that hit the synagogue, but rather, shrapnel from a missile, "otherwise the building would be totally destroyed," and according to Ehrentreu, the building was harmed but not ruined. (JPost / VFI News)
“God, we ask that everyone respects holy places of worship, and that we will not witness destruction of such sites in the future. We also hope that the war in Ukraine will soon be over, and that Ukrainian people will be able to heal and rebuild their lives with dignity.”
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