Over 1,000 Tons of Missile Fuel Chemicals Head for Iran from China – Report
Two Iranian cargo ships may be seeking to move key chemicals for missile propellants from China, British media reported on Wednesday, January 22.
The vessels could depart from China in the next few weeks, it said. The report is based on “intelligence from security officials in two Western countries.” This information appears to serve as a clear warning to Iran and China about these vessels.
According to the report, “The Iranian-flagged ships – the Golbon and the Jairan – are expected to carry more than 1,000 tons of sodium perchlorate, which is used to make ammonium perchlorate, the main ingredient for solid propellant for missiles.”
Iran has suffered some setbacks in manufacturing missile propellants in the last year. An American news outlet reported in October that Israel had struck 12 “planetary mixers,” which British media said were “used to produce solid fuel for long-range ballistic missiles.” (JPost/VFI News)
“Dear God, we pray that Iran is deterred from acquiring more military weapons and materials that can be used for destructive purposes. Please, protect us and all innocent civilians from the state’s malicious plans and keep us safe amidst the chaos. We pray in Yeshua’s name that You keep Your loving Hand above the Middle East and ensure the security of the vulnerable and the defenseless.”