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Mahmoud Abbas

Report: How The PA Intends to Continue Paying Terrorists

Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas signed a presidential decree on Monday, February 10, to cancel the payments to terrorists or their families, a program colloquially known as “pay for slay.”

Palestinian media reported that the financial aid program and database were transferred from the Ministry of Social Development to the National Palestinian Economic Empowerment Institution, presumably to remove the responsibility from the Palestinian Authority, but the payment will come from an entity operating under its authority.

It was also reported that all families previously eligible for financial aid under the previous laws will be included without discrimination in the social insurance program according to the same criteria applicable to families in need of assistance.

All powers relating to social insurance were transferred to the Palestinian Economic Empowerment Institution, managed by a board of trustees appointed by the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority.

The statement noted that the decision was made, among other things, to allow the cessation of Israel’s policy of offsetting tax money from the payments to terrorists and their families. (INN/VFI News)

“Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them, for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Woe to the wicked! It shall be ill with him, for the reward of his hands shall be given him.” - Isaiah 3:10-11