Palestinian Antisemitism is Now Spreading Across the US - Opinion
In 2023, the American Jewish community, which accounts for less than 3% of the nation’s total population, was on the receiving end of two-thirds of all religion-based hate crimes in the country (1,832 out of 2,699), the Federal Bureau of Investigation revealed in September.
This month, the USA Today news network contributed to the seething cesspool of anti-Jewish bigotry by peddling classic antisemitic tropes. The nearly 3,000-word article – “‘No one ever asks a Palestinian’: Ohio residents reacting with grief and anger over carnage in the Middle East,” in Ohio’s Canton Repository – appeared December 1 in more than a dozen newspapers across the country.
Beyond grief and anger, interviewees unleashed unabashed antisemitism, with one invoking the age-old anti-Jewish myth straight out of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion alleging a Jewish cabal controlling the media, economy, government, and other societal institutions.
“If you have Google behind you, if you have Microsoft behind you, if you have Intel behind you, if you have Lockheed-Martin and Boeing behind you, yeah, of course you’re going to be able to prop yourself up for 76 years,” reporter Charita M. Goshay quoted Hasan Mueheisen without providing further comment.
The Palestinian-American interviewee was alluding to alleged Jewish – or perhaps Israeli – control of business and tech giants to sustain the Jewish state. If Jews really wielded that much power, then presumably they could do something about the problem of being the insanely disproportionate target of US hate crimes. (JPost /VFI News)
“Lord, we pray that the truth will shine forth and that the lies about Israel and the Jewish people will be silenced. We ask that you cause the media in the US to turn away from reporting false news and vilifying the Jewish state and people. We thank You for being our shield and stronghold and in You find comfort and peace.”