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Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir

Israel Arrests Nine in Operation Targeting Online Terrorism Incitement

Nine people were arrested over seven months of operation by a special online terrorism incitement team established by National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, his office announced on Tuesday morning, October 3.

Since the unit was founded in February, twenty-five other people have been arrested, 100 incidents are under investigation, 40 other investigations were filed, and 759 posts were removed from social media.

The team was created in response to a wave of terrorism in 2022, which according to the ministry was fueled by incitement by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist elements. The incitement led to teenagers as young as 13 being inspired to carry out attacks.

The anti-online incitement team is composed of police officers, Shin Bet officials, the IDF, and prosecutors, and claims to be monitoring and reviewing online content. Ben-Gvir said that the results proved that the team was having an impact.

The head of the unit, Assistant Commissioner Shlomit Lands, stated "Unfortunately, incitement to terrorism permeates into online space and easily reaches affected parties, including teenagers and children." (JPost /VFI News)

“God, we thank You for protecting us from terrorist attacks, for helping us feel safe, as well as for guiding children away from terrorism. We are also humbly grateful that our defense forces work tirelessly and manage to apprehend terrorists before they even have a chance to execute their plans.”