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Israeli troops stand guard, at the scene of a shooting, in Huwara

Two Israelis Wounded in Judea and Samaria Terror Shooting Near Huwara

Two people were wounded in a shooting attack near Huwara in northern Judea and Samaria on Tuesday evening, September 12, according to Magen David Adom.

The two suffered from injuries caused by shards of glass. Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan was in the area at the time of the attack and helped treat those wounded.

Shortly after the attack, the al-Fajr Brigade terrorist group claimed responsibility for the shooting. The terrorist group said it committed the attack in response to alleged attacks on Palestinian women in Jerusalem and Hebron. Hamas spokesperson Muhammad Hamadeh also welcomed the attack.

Last week, the al-Fajr Brigade claimed responsibility for a shooting attack in the Jordan Valley in which a Border Police officer was moderately injured.

For the first time ever, an armed guard will be stationed outside each synagogue in Jerusalem, as part of preparations for the upcoming High Holidays and amid concerns over the recent terrorist attacks. According to reports in Israeli media, there have been 19 terrorist attacks in Jerusalem since the beginning of the year, with 31 other incidents successfully thwarted. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we pray for the quick recovery of the victims of Tuesday’s terrorist attack. We ask for Your help so we can prevent such attacks, and we urge members of the international community to condemn the terrorist organizations that pride themselves in harming Israeli citizens.”