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Israeli tanks amassed near the border

Israel to Send Tens of Thousands of Troops to Capture Terrorists, Hamas Actively Blocks Gazans from Leaving

Israel plans to send tens of thousands of troops to capture Gaza City and “destroy” the Hamas leadership that runs the enclave, an American news outlet reports, citing Israeli military officers who outlined unclassified details.

The report says the offensive would be the largest since 2006’s Second Lebanon War and will see the IDF attempt to hold on to parts of Gaza, at least temporarily. A Hamas official tells the newspaper its fighters will try to ambush Israeli soldiers by popping out of tunnels behind their advance to surprise the troops.

“In addition to infantry, the Israeli strike force will include tanks, sappers, and commandos,” officers said. “The ground troops will be given cover by warplanes, helicopter gunships, aerial drones, and artillery fired from land and sea.”

IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari said at a press conference on Saturday, October 14, “We continue to urge the residents of Gaza City, go south… Hamas wants you as human shields… This is for your personal safety. We are going to attack very widely in Gaza City in the near future.”

However, Hamas has different plans; According to IDF spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, “Hamas has both issued warnings to their civilians not to evacuate, and when people didn’t listen to those warnings of Hamas, they have actually stopped civilians, and have stopped convoys of Gazan civilians trying to flee from the situation. If that isn't the most sinister use of civilians during war, I don't know what is.” (TOI / VFI News)

“God, we pray that You help innocent Gazan civilians reach safety during this uncertain period of war. We ask for the immediate arrest of all Hamas terrorists who have inflicted unimaginable pain on Israel. We also thank You for providing our defense personnel with the necessary equipment, stamina, and valor that collectively make them extremely successful in facing the enemy.”