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Russian President Vladimir Putin

Putin Compares Israeli Action in Gaza to WW2 Nazi Tactics

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday, October 13, that an Israeli ground offensive in Gaza would result in a level of civilian casualties that would be “absolutely unacceptable.”

Putin was speaking after Israel's military called for all civilians of Gaza City - more than 1 million people - to relocate south within 24 hours, as it amassed tanks ahead of an expected ground invasion in response to a devastating weekend attack by the Islamist militant group Hamas.

He said there had been calls even in the United States for a blockade of the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip on a par with “the siege of Leningrad during World War II.”

Putin said, however, that Israel had the right to defend itself after being subjected to “an attack unprecedented in its cruelty.” Further, the Russian Foreign Ministry said a deputy minister, Mikhail Bogdanov, met the Lebanese ambassador to Moscow on Friday to discuss the crisis.

It said their conversation emphasized “the inadmissibility of the spread of armed confrontation to Lebanon and other states in the region, the danger of a growing humanitarian crisis and a new massive influx of Palestinian refugees.” (JPost / VFI News)

“The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood, but the speech of the upright rescues them.” - Proverbs 12:6

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