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View of the Israeli nuclear reactor located in the Sorek valley in the Judean hills

Israeli Nuclear Scientists Considering Resigning over Judicial Reform - Report

Senior nuclear scientists in the Israel Atomic Energy Commission are considering resigning in protest against the government's judicial reform plan, Israeli media reported on Tuesday, July 25.

The groups of scientists, dozens as per the report, are still discussing whether or not to resign. These scientists are reportedly targeted across the globe due to the nature of their occupation and have had security detail attached following Iranian threats on their lives.

The report continues, adding that any decision is unlikely to be taken as a united group, but rather as individuals.

Meanwhile, a poll showed that the majority of Israelis (58%) fear civil war. The poll, conducted by Lazar Research, showed that just 38% of Israelis are not afraid that there will be a civil war, and 4% said they do not know. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we ask that our people can come together and create a unified front in the international arena so that no foreign nation can take advantage of this turmoil and start discriminating against Israeli or Jewish people.”