Fatah Terrorist Group to Run in Jerusalem Municipal Elections for the First Time
A media outlet reported on Sunday, July 24, that activists from Fatah and eastern Jerusalem are planning to run an Arab candidate in the Jerusalem municipal elections in October 2023. According to reports, Fatah activists have met with Arab businessmen, public figures from the eastern section of Jerusalem, and at least one member of the Knesset. The initiative is supposedly moving forward in consultation with PA President Mahmoud Abbas.
The decision raises difficulties for Fatah, formerly the Palestinian National Liberation Movement, which is the largest faction in the Palestinian Authority government. Fatah does not officially recognize Israel as the Jewish state. The party generally refers to Israel as ‘the occupation”, does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem, and actively boycotts the city. Running in the municipal elections would signify tacit recognition of Jewish sovereignty over the city.
The party’s candidates will therefore run as independents with no formal connection with the party.
Samer Sangelavi, a Fatah activist and head of the East Jerusalem Development Fund, said that “after 55 years of boycotting the municipal elections, the time has come to review this policy and possibly change it, in the light of developments.” (I365N / VFI News)
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem— “May those who love you be at peace! - Psalm 122:6