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BBC Blasted for Describing Hamas Suicide Bomb Attacks that Killed 80 Civilians as 'Military Operations'

The BBC has come under fire for describing a series of Hamas suicide bomb attacks that killed Israeli civilians as “military operations.”

A media monitoring group has criticized the news site after it reportedly referred to attacks organized by Hamas military leader Mohammed Deif, which claimed the lives of 93 people, including 80 civilians aged 13 to 83, as “military operations.”

Deif was killed in an Israeli an airstrike last month, but under his command Hamas carried out dozens of suicide bombings against Israelis on buses and at cafes since the 1990s.

In a story following his death, BBC Arabic reportedly stated Deif “took part in several military operations against Israel starting from kidnapping soldiers and rocket attack” which culminated in the October 7 attack, according to British media.

But the corporation has since defended its coverage and argued it has “made clear throughout” its reporting that Deif was listed as a terrorist by the US and the EU. (DM / VFI News) 

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” - Isaiah 5:20