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Palm trees grow at an R&D station in Israel

In Honor of Tu Bishvat, New Tree Bill Submitted to Knesset

In honor of the Tu Bishvat holiday on Monday, January 17, MK Alon Tal will present what he billed as the first comprehensive forestry law proposed in Israel for a century.

Tal said the present statute regulating tree planting and forestry in Israel is the 1926 “Forests Ordinance” from the British Mandate, which is similar to a 1921 version, adopted soon after the British conquered Palestine from the Ottoman armies in World War I.

Since that time, modifications and amendments of the Ordinance have been modest.

The bill is an expanded version of a statute prepared some 10 years ago, when Tal chaired the committee that oversees forestry for the Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund international board that was never advanced.

The expanded version was submitted after several months of consultation with forestry experts at KKL-JNF and the Agriculture Ministry, which is responsible for forestry in Israel.

Given the significance of Israel’s trees and forests to human health, recreation, ecological corridors, species preservation and climate change, Tal declared it high time that Israel adopt legislation appropriate for the national and global challenges of the 21st century. (JPost / VFI News)

Then shall the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. - 1 Chronicles 16:33