Arab Squatters Cause Damage to Archeological Site in Samaria
Near Hermesh in northern Samaria lies a registered archeological site called 'Khirbet Parsin', which preserves the biblical name 'Peresh' (descendants of Menashe) and the Talmudic name 'Kfar Parshai'.
The remains of a large Iron Age settlement were discovered at this site, including a mikveh (ritual bath), burial caves, and complex underground systems from the Second Temple period, as well as impressive buildings from the Ottoman period. Sadly, these important finds have joined the list of antiquities sites suffering from damage and destruction.
About two and a half months ago, an Arab began sheltering in the site and moved into one of the buildings with his family, carrying out construction work and damaging the ancient finds that bear testimony to thousands of years of history. (INN / VFI News)
“God, we ask that you protect both the historical records of Your presence and the real human needs of those suffering for lack of basic needs in the land.”