A Blow to Holocaust Denial
Dignitaries from around the world gathered in Israel last week for the Fifth World Holocaust Forum. Kings, presidents and other notables came together in Jerusalem for the event, including USA Vice President Mike Pence, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Britain’s Prince Charles, and French President Emmanuel Macron. The long list of attendees also included four kings and many leaders from such countries as Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, Ukraine and Argentina, as well as the presidents of the European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament. Israeli diplomats said that not even the funerals of Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres drew groups of foreign dignitaries like the ones attending last week’s Holocaust commemoration, which was secured by more than 10,000 police. Events involving the visiting global leaders included speeches addressing the alarming increase of anti-Semitism; the necessity of dealing with the peril of Iran, and visits to Jerusalem’s World Holocaust Remembrance Center; Yad Vashem.
One among many positive outcomes of last week’s gathering might be defined as a blow against Holocaust denial. For who could pass through the halls of Yad Vashem, with its photographs of Jewish victims, beaten, starved, tortured and put to death in gas chambers by the millions and not be undone emotionally by the indisputable evidence of Nazi brutality? Holocaust denial and distortions are forms of anti-Semitism perpetrated by such figures and groups as the UK’s David Irving, Palestinian chief Mahmoud Abbas, with a Ph.D. Thesis supportive of Holocaust Denial, and former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who said upon leaving office that publicizing his Holocaust denial was a major achievement of his presidency. Holocaust denial has also manifested within white nationalism and the Ku Klux Klan. May the lies denying the facts and actuality of the Shoah be toppled by the magnitude of visible, written, indisputable evidence to the contrary. (VFI News)
Pray world leaders, university professors and their students, people of influence in the media and the performing arts will be informed, educated and equipped to turn the tide of anti-Semitism and to topple the irrational hatred of the Jewish people and Israel.