New York & Bahrain Synagogues to Remember Kristallnacht, Together
The Hampton Synagogue and the Synagogue in Bahrain will join together in historic solidarity to participate in the March of the Living’s “Let There Be Light” campaign, in which synagogues around the world will illuminate their buildings to commemorate Kristallnacht.
The two synagogues will keep their lights on during the evening of November 9 as a symbol of mutual commitment in the shared battle against contemporary anti-Semitism, racism, hatred, and intolerance.
“As the only indigenous Jewish community in the Gulf, it’s incredibly meaningful and impactful to have the synagogue in Manama partner with us,” said The Hampton Synagogue Founding Senior Rabbi Marc Schneier.
“This is far more than symbolic," Rabbi Marc Schneier added. "This is truly an opportunity for the Jews of Bahrain to join with their brethren around the world in this commemoration. Kristallnacht is a commemoration of the destruction of Jewish communities and today, the Jewish community of Bahrain represents just the opposite – a community which is in the process of enhancing its synagogue and growing its Jewish community.” (INN / VFI News)
“God, we ask that you never allow us to forget the horrors of the Holocaust—so that we may never repeat them.”