Iran Cyberattack, 4,300 Gas Stations Disrupted
Around 4,300 gas stations across Iran were disabled by a cyberattack on Tuesday, October 26, lasting until Wednesday, October 27, when gasoline distribution returned to normal.
Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi stated that the cyberattack was meant to create disorder, stating that “there should be serious readiness in the field of cyberwar and related bodies should not allow the enemy to follow their ominous aims to create problems.”
The cyberattack disrupted the sale of heavily subsidized gasoline across the Islamic Republic, which Raisi said on Wednesday was designed to create "disorder and disruption."
The details of the attack and its source are under investigation, Abul-Hassan Firouzabadi, Secretary of the Supreme Council to Regulate Virtual Space, said.
While the origin of the attacks is unknown, some have speculated that it was caused by the US, Israel or local Iranian anti-regime groups.
The Oil Ministry said that only sales with smart cards used for cheaper, rationed gasoline were disrupted. (JPost / VFI News)