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Trial of Nazi Adolf Eichmann

Israel Building Case Against Hamas Terrorists in Eichmann-esque Trial - Report

Israel is reportedly building a significant legal case against Hamas terrorists responsible for the October 7 massacre, similar to the charges heard in the trial of Nazi Adolf Eichmann back in the early 1960s.

This approach aims to establish the severe punishments that will be imposed on the surviving Hamas terrorists. American media revealed that investigators in the Israel Police and prosecution lawyers are compiling one of the most significant cases against Hamas terrorists who carried out the massacre on October 7.

According to the report, Israel is collecting numerous pieces of evidence, including testimonies of severe sexual assault, rape, burning of children, and dismemberment—all perpetrated by Hamas terrorists on that fateful Saturday.

Israeli authorities estimate that the construction of such a case will allow for the imposition of severe punishments on the surviving terrorists. “The investigation by Israel is expected to yield a trial that will be the most significant in the country since the early 1960s when Israel captured, tried, and executed Adolf Eichmann for his central role in the Holocaust,” the article stated.

“Israel has never dealt with crimes and investigations on such a scale,” said former deputy attorney general Roy Schondorf. “This will be one of the most important trials to take place in Israel.” (JPost / VFI News)