Israel, UAE Start Talks to Open Embassies during Historic First Visit
Israel and the United Arab Emirates have started discussions to open embassies in each other’s countries, during a high-level government meeting in Abu Dhabi on Monday.
The countries’ foreign ministries, along with American representatives, worked on the details of the normalization deal and other bilateral agreements between the countries.
Foreign Ministry Director-General Alon Ushpiz said: “We are starting a historic process and we plan to promote the institution of full relations and opening embassies in the two countries as soon as possible to strengthen the cooperation between Israel and the UAE.
“Movement of people, goods and finance is the central key to realizing the great potential in the relations,” Ushpiz added.
Israeli and Emirati officials in other areas like science and space, civil aviation, foreign policy and diplomacy, tourism, finance, health and more met for round-table discussions of possible opportunities for cooperation, often with an American facilitator. (JPost / VFI News)
When a man's ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. —Proverbs 16:7
“God, we ask that you allow this to be a sign of more peace to come.”