Israel to Build New Fence along Jordan Border to Stem Iranian Weapons Smuggling
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Israel will build a new border fence along the border with Jordan, in a social media post on Sunday evening, September 3.
"We erected a fence on our southern border (Egypt) and stopped the infiltration from there into Israel. We thereby stopped over a million infiltrators from Africa, which would have destroyed our country," wrote Netanyahu.
"Now we will build a fence on our eastern border (Jordan) and ensure that there will be no infiltration from there either. We will protect our borders - we will protect our country!"
Netanyahu's announcement came a few days after it was cleared for publication that the IDF had thwarted an attempt to smuggle Iranian-produced explosives from Jordan to Israel in July. At the end of July, the IDF announced that it had thwarted an "unusual" weapons smuggling attempt in the Jordan Valley near Ashdot Yaakov. It is estimated that the explosives were intended for terrorist organizations in Judea and Samaria. (JPost / VFI News)
“He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. Is that not what it means to know me? declares the Lord.” - Jeremiah 22:16