Events in North Amount to 'Third Lebanon War,' Security Official Says
A third Lebanon War has already begun in the wake of the significant IDF strikes against Hezbollah deep into Lebanon, a security official estimated on Monday, September 23, in comments to Israeli media.
“I don't think it’s too early to refer to these events in the North as the ‘Third Lebanon War,’” the official said. The official told the news outlet that in the early afternoon, the IDF will launch an attack “on a massive scale” in rural areas of Lebanon.
The source added that Hezbollah’s potential response could be larger in scale and involve a broader range of fire than it has engaged in before. “Hezbollah will certainly respond with large amounts of fire on northern Israel,” added the source, “and possibly also on targets in Tel Aviv.”
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated as he held security consultations: “I would like to clarify Israel’s policy to whoever does not yet understand. We are not waiting for the threat; we are preempting it – everywhere, in every sector, constantly. We are eliminating senior figures, terrorists, and missiles – and our arm is still extended.”
“I promised that we would change the security balance, the balance of forces in the North [by Lebanon]—this is exactly what we are doing. We are destroying thousands of missiles and rockets that are directed at Israel’s cities and citizens,” Netanyahu said. (JPost / VFI News)
“Lord, we pray for long-lasting peace with Lebanon. We pray that Lebanon will manage to contain Hezbollah so that a full-blown third Lebanon war does not erupt. We pray for all the civilians who live in agony for their future and we ask that You comfort and protect them Lord, in Yeshua’s name. We thank You for enabling us to defend our people and we fall at Your feet asking You once again for Your help, grace and mercy during these trying times.”
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