Terror Squad Directed from Lebanon Arrested
In recent months, a number of Palestinian Authority residents in Judea and Samaria have been arrested while plotting to carry out attacks against Israeli citizens, it was cleared for publication Tuesday, August 8.
The detainees were operating under the direction of Alam Kaabi, a senior member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist organization who was deported to Gaza as part of the Schalit deal and currently resides in Lebanon.
Kaabi oversaw terrorist activity in Judea and Samaria in which he recruited Palestinian Arab terrorist operatives, some of whom were close to his family, in order to carry out attacks against Israelis.
The operation was uncovered during an investigation by the Shin Bet and IDF.
One of the operatives who was questioned was Marad Kaabi, who revealed that he had received instructions from Alam Kaabi to carry out attacks. Two M-16 assault rifles were seized as well.
Another suspect, Khaled Abu Al Hija, revealed that he had also been recruited by Alam to carry out attacks and to lead a military unit that would have operated in the Jenin area. Additional suspects recruited by Alam Kaabi have also been arrested. (INN /VFI News)
“God, we thank You for equipping our defense forces so they can protect us from terrorists. We are humbly grateful that they are able to gather intelligence, act quickly, and prevent terrorist attacks leading to the safety of everyone residing in Israel.”
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