
VFI News 2 Injured from Hezbollah Attacks, Hamas Must Give Names of Living Hostages

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Inside the IDF's Operation in Rafah: What You Need to Know | VFI News

The hashtag 'All eyes on Rafah' is being posted by celebrities and influencers around the world to try and put pressure on Israel, but this plan might be backfiring.

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2 Injured from Hezbollah Attacks, Hamas Must Give Names of Living Hostages

2 Injured from Hezbollah Attacks, Hamas Must Give Names of Living Hostages

Happy Jerusalem Day!

With Jerusalem Day starting Tuesday sundown, we would like to wish all of our readers a happy Yom Yerushalayim. May you celebrate this day along with your families and rejoice for the great gift God has given us in His Holy City. We hope that you will continue to enjoy our Lord’s blessings and become filled with His peace, love, patience and joy for the days to come.

Hezbollah Attacks Escalate in Northern Israel, Injuries Reported

Hezbollah’s attacks in northern Israel intensified on Sunday, June 2, triggering multiple alerts and causing injuries and property damage. The IDF reported Sunday evening that a Hezbollah drone crashed in the northern city of Nahariya after failed interception attempts.

This marks the first time since the start of the war the coastal city was struck. The crash sparked a fire in the city, prompting firefighting and rescue forces to respond. No injuries have been reported.

This contrasts with the army’s earlier statements, which claimed the fire was caused by fragments from an interceptor that exploded mid-air without identifying a target, and that the alert triggering the interceptor launch was a false alarm.

Alerts for an intrusion by a hostile aircraft were activated in several northern towns, including Nahariya, Liman, Shlomi, Sa’ar, Rosh Hanikra, Evron, Gesher HaZiv, Matzuva, Bezet, Ben Ami and Shavei Zion. Residents in these areas reported hearing explosions, and a fire broke out in Nahariya following the alarms.

In Kiryat Shmona, two people sustained minor injuries from rocket debris and were evacuated to a hospital. The police reported property damage in the area, and officers along with sappers isolated impact sites and searched for additional debris.

Meanwhile, the IDF reported that fighter jets targeted a Hezbollah military building in Ayta ash Shab and a Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure in Tayr Harfa, both in southern Lebanon. Additionally, IDF forces fired to eliminate a threat in Rachaya Al Foukhar, also in southern Lebanon. (YNet / VFI News)

“Lord, we pray for a peaceful co-existence with all of our neighbors and we ask that Lebanon takes care of the terrorist organization Hezbollah that wreaks havoc in the Middle-East. We pray for a unified front in the north and for protection over our entire country, in Yeshua’s name. May You shield Your children from evil and cause any weapon formed against us to fail.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

Hostages’ Families Demand: Hamas Must Present List of Living Hostages Prior to Any Deal

The Tikva Forum for hostages’ families responded Saturday night, June 1, to a US proposal for a ceasefire-prisoner swap deal.

“In order to ensure the welfare of our children, we demand that Hamas present Israel with a list, in a detailed fashion, of which hostages are alive, and a list of corpses which it is holding. It is unthinkable that we should approach a deal that has far-reaching effects without knowing what or who we are receiving,” the Forum said.

The Tikva Forum added: “In addition, we turn to the US and all of the mediators who are in the picture: Throughout the entire period of the deal, the hostages must be held by a third party, and treated by the Red Cross. Without these two conditions, it will be very hard to carry out a complex deal such as this. Therefore, we call on all of those involved: Show responsibility towards the hostages.”

On Friday, Hamas released a video clip showing hostage Noa Argamani. Argamani, a civilian woman, was one of those included in the November 2023 hostage deal, and should have been released as part of that deal.

However, Hamas violated the deal, refusing to return Argamani, 14 other civilian women, and two children, all of whom are still held captive in Gaza, in violation of international law. (INN / VFI News)

“God, we pray for all the hostages who are still not released and are being held by Hamas in terrifying and life-endangering conditions. We pray for their health and we trust that You give them strength and courage during this trying time. We pray in Yeshua’s name for their immediate release and we urge the international community to regard this as a priority and put pressure on the terrorist organization towards the unconditional release of all remaining hostages.”

Under Heavy Security, Over 50,000 March in New York City’s Annual Israel Day Parade

Under hefty security, over 50,000 people marched Sunday afternoon, June 2, in New York City’s annual Israel Day Parade, this year focusing on solidarity with the hostages.

The parade, taking place between 57th and 74th streets along Fifth Avenue, featured numerous Jewish organizations, government representatives, members of the Knesset, U.S. Congress members and New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

Leading the march were over 70 family members of hostages from various nationalities, joined by more than 2,000 supporters from the New York branch of the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, wearing shirts with the slogan “Bring them home now.”

This is the largest group ever to participate in the parade. The parade has been held for 59 years, usually under the theme “Celebrate Israel.” However, this year’s event has a more subdued atmosphere.

The event, organized by the Israeli Day Committee, is one of the most significant occasions in the Israeli-American community in New York, celebrating Israeli culture, history and heritage.

This year, the parade was led by businessman Harley Lippman, named the “Grand Marshal” by the committee for his extensive efforts on behalf of Israel over the past year. His contributions span advocacy, diplomacy, and philanthropy, including substantial funding for the annual parade. (YNet / VFI News)

“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.” - Isaiah 61:1

Bank of Israel Chief Warns War Against Hamas Will Cost $67 Billion in 2023-2025

The ongoing war with the Hamas terror group is slated to incur NIS 253 billion ($67 billion) in defense and civilian costs between the years 2023 and 2025, Bank of Israel Governor Amir Yaron warned on Thursday, May 30.

Speaking at a conference, Yaron cautioned that the security and civilian war costs were “significant” and presented a budgetary burden. In addition, the future security budget is expected to grow permanently and have a macroeconomic impact, he added.

“The government needs to make sure that it makes the right balances and budget adjustments in light of growing permanent security expenses,” he declared.

A breakdown of the latest war cost estimate showed that almost half of the war expenditure, or NIS 118 billion ($32 billion), will be needed to meet defense needs along with NIS 38 billion ($10 billion) for civilian spending until 2025, including the cost of evacuating civilians, providing housing for evacuees, and more.

The central bank anticipated another NIS 35 billion ($9 billion) in lost tax revenue due to the war and NIS 23 billion ($6 billion) to compensate for direct war damages. Another NIS 9 billion ($2.4 billion) in expected expenses were from interest payments as the government debt level increases and borrowing costs rise. (TOI / VFI News)

“Our Heavenly Father, we pray for financial stability and for the ability to have the funds to protect our people from terror. We know that You are our provider and we must not be anxious about such matters, since You always make a way for Your children. Like Yeshua said, You take care of the daily needs of even the birds who do not reap or store away in barns, and Your children are much more valuable to You than them, thus, we should not worry. Instead, we are humbly grateful for Your continual provisions and we thank You for being our constant source of peace and comfort.”

WATCH: Jerusalem Day Commemoration | Vision for Israel 

Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of Jerusalem through captivating drone footage capturing the modern splendor and historical significance of this ancient city. Discover the divine promises and prophetic scriptures that highlight God's eternal plan for Jerusalem. Don't miss this enlightening tribute to Jerusalem Day, celebrating the reunification of the Holy City.

Israeli Doctors Threaten to Leave Country If Haredi Draft Exemption Is Approved

Swathes of doctors have threatened to leave Israel due to the refusal by ultra-Orthodox Jews (haredim) to be drafted into the IDF, according to a document published on Sunday, June 2.

The document was written and signed by a thousand senior doctors, most of whom are the heads of medical centers or departments, and called on the government and members of Knesset to take action for equality by drafting haredim into the IDF.

They described the refusal of Israel’s ultra-Orthodox community to serve in the military as “destructive to our future.” They called for the implementation of a new national socio-economic strategy to help put the country back on a sustainable path to the future.

The letter stated: “Even in the State of Israel’s darkest hour, the health system continues to be a strong pillar of support, working tirelessly to ensure the health and well-being of Israeli citizens …The state’s continued existence, in light of the security threats and domestic challenges it faces, depends to a large extent on the participation of all demographics in sharing the burden of civic duties.”

“We, senior doctors in the Israeli health system, strongly oppose the legislative initiative that will perpetuate inequality in sharing this burden, and significantly increase the number of reservist duty days for the Israeli public that does serve in the military,” the statement continued. (JPost / VFI News)

Ambassador Gilad Erdan to Step Down

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, on Friday, May 31, announced that he would conclude his term as ambassador this summer. Erdan will conclude a four-year tenure at the United Nations, during which he also served as Israel’s Ambassador to the United States for a year.

Ambassador Erdan will conclude four years of intensive actions at the United Nations, and he intends to continue harnessing his extensive experience and skills to strengthen the State of Israel in the future as well.

The Prime Minister’s Office stated that Ambassador Erdan was offered to continue to serve as Ambassador to the US, but he chose to conclude his post and return to Israel due to family considerations (two of Erdan’s four children will serve in the IDF in the coming year).

“The Prime Minister thanks Ambassador Erdan for his impressive work and his steadfast standing in the face of the many challenges at the United Nations: Ambassador Erdan represented Israel with respect, determination and firmness and I thank him for that.” (INN / VFI News)

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” - Romans 13:1

After Weeks of Delay, US Congress Formally Invites Netanyahu to Address Joint Session

US Congressional leaders from both parties have sent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a formal invitation to address a joint session of Congress, a show of wartime support for longtime ally Israel despite mounting political divisions over the war against Hamas in Gaza.

The letter was signed by House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, a Democrat, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican.

In the letter, the congressional leaders said the invitation was extended to “highlight America’s solidarity with Israel.”

“We invite you to share the Israeli government’s vision for defending democracy, combating terror and establishing a just and lasting peace in the region,” they wrote. An Israeli official confirmed Netanyahu’s receipt of the invitation to reporters.

The speech is expected to take place “as soon as the next eight weeks or soon after August recess,” a source familiar told American media. (TOI / VFI News)

“But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves.” - Luke 22:26

‘Solidarity with Palestine’ | Maldives Government Bans Israelis from Country

The President of the Maldives Mohamed Muizzu announced on Sunday, June 2, that at the end of a cabinet meeting, it was decided to ban Israelis from entering the country.

Muizzu announced that the decision would be sent to the parliament which would amend the immigration law so it could ban Israelis from the country. During his declaration, Muizzu said that his country would appoint a special envoy to aid Palestinians.

Later, the Homeland Security Minister is expected to hold a rally titled: “The Maldives in Solidarity with Palestine.”

Last December, after several anti-Israel remarks, the Israeli Foreign Ministry called on Israelis not to visit the island nation. At the time the Foreign Ministry wrote that “the atmosphere in the Maldives against Israel is intensifying and therefore Israeli citizens are advised to avoid traveling to the Maldives at this time.” (INN / VFI News)

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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