
VFI News Tues, June 13 — Iran Is Going Too Far, Israel and the US Send Warnings | VFI News

Israeli Cabinet Nears Approval For Strike on Iran

Get ready for a gripping weekly video that brings you up to speed on the most significant news stories from Israel. Join us as we dive into the latest developments, including the Israeli cabinet's impending approval for a potential Iran attack amidst escalating tensions and missile threats.

Discover the intriguing details of the indirect talks between US and Iranian officials in Oman, addressing nuclear concerns in a high-stakes environment. Explore the shocking tragedy of a deadly mass shooting near Nazareth, stemming from a feud between crime families. Uncover the disturbing account of a cowardly knife attack on children and an adult in the French Alps by a Syrian national.

Delve into the controversy surrounding outgoing US ambassador-approved grants that target Israel's human rights record. Experience the buzz surrounding a thought-provoking film screening at UCLA, helmed by a Jewish transgender director, igniting passionate debate.

Celebrate Israel's remarkable achievement securing third place in the under-20 FIFA World Cup with an exhilarating 3-1 victory over South Korea. Lastly, be amazed by the incredible recreation of a 12,000-year-old flute, shedding light on prehistoric music-making in northern Israel.

Don't miss out on this captivating video that unveils the week's most compelling stories from Israel. Stay informed, stay connected.

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Assessment: Cabinet Will Approve Strike on Iran If Netanyahu Seeks It

The political-security cabinet is expected to give its approval to a plan to attack Iran if such a proposal is raised by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Israeli media reported Thursday morning, June 8.

Netanyahu said in regard to Iran on Sunday during a cabinet meeting, “The reality in our region is changing rapidly. We are not stagnating … We are committed to acting against the Iranian nuclear program, against missile attacks … and against … what we call a multifront campaign.”

Tensions between Iran and Israel have grown in recent weeks following Iran's unveiling of its new "Fateh" missile, which the Iranian regime claims has a range of 1,400 kilometers and is capable of striking Israel.

The commander of the Aerospace Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Amir Ali Hajizadeh, claimed that no missile defense system in the world can intercept its new hypersonic missile, in a clear reference to Israel's multi-layered missile defense system, which includes the Iron Dome, David's Sling, and Arrow systems.

A decade ago, Netanyahu failed to secure enough votes in the Cabinet to approve a strike on Iran's nuclear program. The assessment is that he would be able to secure a majority now due to the greater immediacy of the Iranian threat and the greater hawkishness of the current government ministers compared to 10 years ago.

The prime minister would not only receive support from the government for a strike against Iran but from parties in the opposition as well. National Unity Party chairman Benny Gantz said on Monday at a conference in New York that all of Israel would unite behind the government if a strike against Iran was necessary. (INN / VFI News)

“God, we thank You for enabling our leaders to unite so that they can ensure the safety of all Israeli residents. We hope that there will be no need for Israel to strike Iran, and we are grateful for the defense systems of our nation, should Iran complete its nuclear program or act on its threats against Israel.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

US to Iran: You Will Pay A Heavy Price If 90% Uranium Enrichment Continues

US and Iranian officials held indirect talks in Oman last month, with Omani officials shuttling between their separate rooms to deliver messages, three sources briefed on the issue told American media on Friday, June 9.

The “proximity talks,” which haven't been previously reported, represent the first known indirect engagement between the US and Iran in this way in several months. They took place amid growing concerns in the White House about Iran’s nuclear advances.

American media reported last week that White House Middle East coordinator Brett McGurk traveled to Oman secretly on May 8 for talks with Omani officials on possible diplomatic outreach to Iran regarding its nuclear program.

According to the three sources briefed on the issue, an Iranian delegation also arrived in Oman at the same time. Iran's top nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri Kan was part of the delegation, one of the sources said. McGurk and the Iranian officials didn't meet, according to the sources.

The two sides were in separate locations with Omani officials going between them and passing messages. According to the sources, one of the main messages from the US focused on deterrence. The sources said the US made it clear that Iran will pay a heavy price if it moves forward with 90% uranium enrichment — the level needed to produce a nuclear weapon.

On Thursday, the United States and Iran both denied reports that they were nearing an interim deal under which Tehran would curb its nuclear program in return for sanctions relief. (INN / VFI News)

“God, we thank You for alerting our allies in regards to the Iranian nuclear threat. However, we hope that more nations will soon follow so that there will be substantial changes and an eventual halt of its enrichment of uranium.”

5 Shot Dead at Carwash in Town near Nazareth in Apparent Gangland Massacre

Five people were killed in a mass shooting Thursday, June 8, in a town near Nazareth, one of the most deadly incidents of apparent criminal violence in recent years.

The five were evacuated to the hospital after being critically hurt at a carwash in Yafa an-Naseriyye but were later pronounced dead. The fatalities were not immediately identified but reports said the killings were linked to a running feud between the Bakri and Hariri crime families that claimed 26 lives.

The shooting appeared to be the deadliest non-terror mass killing since 2009 when six members of the Ushrenko family were murdered at their home in Rishon Lezion.

In a separate incident about 20 minutes earlier, a 3-year-old girl and her 30-year-old father were shot and seriously injured in Kafr Kanna, also a town near Nazareth. Medics from the Magen David Adom ambulance service took the pair to Poriya Hospital near Tiberias. The medical center said the girl had been intubated and that her father’s condition was critical and unstable.

Police launched an investigation into the Kafr Kanna shooting, which they said was part of a criminal dispute. (TOI / VFI News)

Syrian Refugee Injures 4 Children, Adult in Knife Attack in French Alps Town: Report

A Syrian national was arrested Thursday, June 8, after allegedly stabbing four children and an adult in the French Alps town of Annecy in a knife attack that President Emmanuel Macron is decrying as an act of "absolute cowardice."

A witness told French media following the stabbing spree that he saw first responders working on "little bodies, 3 or 4 years old, perhaps." The suspect has not been publicly identified, but a police official told British media that he is a Syrian national with legal refugee status in the country.

"Attack of absolute cowardice this morning in a park in Annecy. Children and an adult are between life and death," Macron said on Twitter. "The Nation is in shock. Our thoughts are with them as well as their families and the emergency services mobilized."

"The individual was arrested thanks to the very rapid intervention of the police," French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said on Twitter.

Police say two children and one adult have suffered life-threatening injuries, while the other two children were slightly hurt. The children were attacked on a playground close to a primary school.

"He jumped [in the playground], started shouting, and then went towards the strollers, repeatedly hitting the little ones with a knife," one witness was quoted by British media. The motive for the attack is unclear. The suspect is believed to be in his thirties, police said. (FN / VFI News)

“God, we ask that You comfort and give strength to the families of the children and the adult that were viciously attacked last Thursday. We pray for their quick and full recovery and we hope that You help uncover the truth behind this horrifying attack.”

WATCH: Donate to Vision for Israel’s Pack-to-School Project

For over 20 years, Vision for Israel has been providing backpacks filled with essential school supplies to underprivileged children in Israel. With a goal of providing 2,000 children with backpacks this year, your donation of $45 can make a significant impact in ensuring that no child is left behind in their education journey. Join us in making a difference and helping build a brighter future for Israel by supporting our Pack-to-School Project today.

Nides Approved Nearly $1 Million Grant to Support Delegitimizing Israel

Thomas Nides, the outgoing U.S. ambassador to Israel, personally signed off on nearly $1 million in grants to fund investigations of Israel for “documentation of legal or security sector violations and housing, land and property rights,” Adam Kredo reported in an American media outlet.

Citing documents the America First Legal Foundation received in a Freedom of Information Act request, Kredo reported that Nides approved the U.S. State Department to provide $987,654 for organizations accusing Israel of human-rights abuses.

A congressional investigation last year centered on these tax-payer-funded monies with critics claiming that it fit hand-in-glove with the BDS movement’s tactics and objective.

“As a policy matter, it is wholly unacceptable for the State Department to fund NGOs to delegitimize and isolate Israel,” critics wrote last year. At the time, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said that the Biden administration was using “American taxpayer money to subsidize the international NGO campaign to demonize and isolate Israel.”

“The ambassador’s involvement in the funding effort is certain to attract congressional scrutiny as Israel’s defenders on Capitol Hill worry the Biden administration is alienating the Jewish state,” Kredo reported. (I365N / VFI News)

“Many have become my enemies without cause; those who hate me without reason are numerous.” - Psalm 38:19

California University Hosts Screening of Trans Director’s ‘Anti-Israel’ Film

The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) professor hosted a screening Wednesday, June 7, of a film that many activists believe is anti-Israel, created by a Jewish transgender director.

The film “Israelism” follows the story of two American Jews who go from staunch supporters of Israel to “battling the old guard to fight for Palestinian equality and against the alleged human rights abuses committed by the Jewish state,” according to the event page’s description and the IMBD.

The film has been criticized for its “anti-Israel” views by some in the Jewish community. David Suissa, the editor-in-chief of the Jewish Journal, wrote that the film portrays an intentionally biased portrait of Israel.

“I felt bad for the filmmakers because I could feel the exertion they must have gone through to stick to only one side of the story,” Suissa wrote. “There is no mention, for instance, of the UN role in the creation of Israel, Arab aggression at the birth of the state, chronic Palestinian terror and rejection of peace offers, the denial of any Jewish connection to Jerusalem, and on and on.”

Abraham Foxman, former director of the Anti-Defamation League, called the film both “anti-Israel and anti-American Jewish community.”

UCLA has a history of hosting antisemitic and anti-Israel events in the past. The university invited George Washington University professor Lara Sheehi, who is under investigation for allegations of antisemitic discrimination, to an event earlier this year. The school was also listed in the top 10 worst schools for antisemitism, according to a report from StopAntisemitism. (DC / VFI News)

Israel Comes Third Place in FIFA U-20 World Cup After Victory over South Korea

Like in Eurovision, Israel got third place again, but this time in the under-20 FIFA World Cup after winning 3-1 to South Korea on Sunday night, June 11.

During the game, the three goals were scored by Ran Binyamin in the 19th minute, Omer Snior in the 76th minute and Anan Khalaily in the 85th minute.

Shortly after Binyamin's goal in the game's first half, South Korea was able to equalize the match five minutes later, but ultimately the game was handed to Israel after their next two goals in the second half.

Israel played against South Korea for the third-place title after losing to Uruguay in the semifinal round 1-0. A few hours later, the South American team defeated Italy in the finals to win the entire tournament.

One of Israel's most memorable victories in the tournament was in the quarterfinals when the blue-and-white team defeated Brazil 3-2.

Israeli president Isaac Herzog tweeted shortly after Israel's victory: "Congratulations to the Israeli youth soccer team for a historic achievement - third place in the World Cup! You are ending a wonderful and exciting journey and we are all proud of you!"

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also tweeted: "Huge achievement! We're all proud of you!" (JPost / VFI News)

Archaeologists Discover and Replicate Earliest Musical Instrument in the Middle East

Archaeologists are hearing for the first time how humans made music some 12,000 years ago, by recreating a flute that was likely used to hunt ducks and other small birds in northern Israel.

A team of Israeli and French archaeologists discovered fragments of seven different flutes, dating to around 10,000 BCE, which is the largest collection of prehistoric sound-producing instruments ever found in the Levant.

The pieces were found at the Eynan/Ain Mallaha site, a small village some 35 km (20 miles) north of the Sea of Galilee. The site was inhabited from 12,000 BCE to 8,000 BCE, around the time when humans were undergoing a massive revolution from nomadic hunter-gatherers to more sedentary, semi-settled communities.

Dr. Laurent Davin, a postdoctoral fellow at Hebrew University, was examining some of the bones recovered from the site when he noticed tiny holes drilled at regular intervals along a few of the bones. At first, experts had dismissed the holes as regular wear and tear on the delicate bird bones, but Davin examined the bones more closely and noticed that the holes were at very even intervals, and clearly created by humans.

“One of the flutes was discovered complete, and so far as is known it is the only one in the world in this state of preservation,” Davin said.

Dr. Hamoudi Khalaily, a senior researcher with the IAA, spent 10 years excavating at the Eynan site and was instrumental in creating a replica of the extant flute. “The sound could have attracted predator birds, which creates chaos with the other birds, and then it’s very easy to catch them, even with your hands,” explained Khalaily. (TOI / VFI News)

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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