
VFI News Tues., June 20 — Israel Is Determined to Stop Iran, US Administration Wavers | VFI News

Congressional Concerns, Strategic Partnerships, and Landmark Trials

Get a closer look at the Biden administration's tricky language when it comes to Iran, Netanyahu's call for congressional engagement, and the concerning actions of the Palestinian Authority.

Witness China's expanding influence in the Middle East and the aftermath of a gripping arrest in Michigan. Plus, discover Intel's monumental investment creating endless job possibilities.

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Biden Admin. Won't Acknowledge Iran Deal Explicitly to Skirt Congress - Analysis

The Biden administration won’t say “Iran Deal,” apparently because it fears Congress.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman Yuli Edelstein have called it a “small agreement,” a “mini-deal” and a “memorandum of understanding,” but the State Department is doing the rhetorical equivalent of whistling and saying “nothing to see here”.

Why is the Biden administration not saying "Iran Deal?" The reason for this is the 2015 Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INARA), which requires the US president to bring any agreement relating to Tehran’s nuclear program to Congress for a 30-day review period.

The law states that “if the President does not submit such 90-day compliance certification” – that Iran complies with the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) – “or has determined that Iran has materially breached an agreement and not cured it, legislation reinstating statutory sanctions against Iran introduced within 60 calendar days of such event shall be entitled to expedited consideration.”

In other words, if Iran is violating the JCPOA – which it has been, for years – then Congress can fast-track a bill to reinstate sanctions

Legally though, the president may enter into an executive agreement without approval from Congress, so in that sense, INARA-based congressional review can’t stop President Joe Biden from doing what he wants. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we ask that the Iran deal will not flourish in any form and that our allies will vehemently oppose any and all Iranian nuclear activity. We pray that You will make the Middle East safe and that the world will not experience a nuclear war.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

Netanyahu Sends Message to Biden: ''No Agreements with Iran Are Acceptable'

Prime Minister Netanyahu visited the Israel Aerospace Industries complex Sunday, June 18, and asked to send a message to the American government regarding reports about the possibility of reaching a conclusion that bypasses Congress on the Iranian nuclear program.

"We are determined to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Our strong opposition to returning to the original nuclear agreement contributes to the American decision not to do so."

"We have also made it clear to our American friends that even if the agreements are more limited - they are also unacceptable to us," Netanyahu stated.

He added, "In any case, as I make clear to them, make clear to the world and will also make it clear here again: we will do everything we need to defend ourselves, on our own, against any threat."

As part of the visit, the Prime Minister was presented with the activities of the aerospace industry by Chairman Amir Peretz and CEO Boaz Levy. The visit was accompanied by National Security Council head Tzachi Hanegbi and Netanyahu's military secretary Major General Avi Gil. (INN / VFI News)

“God, we thank You for assisting our leaders in prioritizing Israel’s safety and protecting our well-established rights. We pray that You will give them wisdom and that they ally with nations that align with our causes. We thank You for being our shield from malevolent plans.”

MK Rothman: US and EU Help Palestinian Authority Undermine Oslo Accords

Knesset Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee Chairman MK Simcha Rothman participated on Thursday, June 15, in the Knesset Land of Israel Caucus tour of the Binyamin Region.

"We try to raise awareness to the fact that the Palestinian Authority, besides what we already know that they do with 'pay to slay' and paying for terrorists, they are also actively working underground to go against the Oslo Accords," MK Rothman told Israeli media.

"The fact that these things happen with the support of the American administration and countries from the EU that actually pay for illegal buildings in Area C, which is not supposed to be a place for unilateral actions by the Palestinian Authority, creates instability in those places."

"This creates the backbone of the future Palestinian state, and we all know that the Palestinian state will be a failed state and a terror state. The way they behaved before they even started to plan their state shows that their plan for this area is not peace, and it's not prosperity, and definitely not a solution to anything that we see here in Israel."

Meanwhile, according to a poll released by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR), the vast majority of Palestinians see violence as the only solution and few (28%) believe in the Two – State solution.

More specifically, when asked about the most effective means of ending the “Israeli occupation” and building an independent state, the public split into three groups: 52% chose armed struggle (55% in the Gaza Strip and 49% in the West Bank), 21% preferred negotiations, and 22% chose “popular resistance.” (INN / VFI News)

“They do not speak peaceably, but devise false accusations against those who live quietly in the land.” - Psalm 35:20

China Signs ‘Strategic Partnership’ with Palestinian Authority During Abbas Visit

China said it has established a “strategic partnership” with the Palestinian Authority during a visit to Beijing by PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

The announcement marks another step in China’s campaign to gain political and economic influence in the Middle East, where it is competing for influence with the United States.

Beijing has long maintained diplomatic ties with the Palestinian Authority and Abbas was welcomed with full military honors at the Great Hall of the People in central Beijing. “We are good friends and partners,” Chinese president and head of the ruling Communist Party Xi Jinping told Abbas at the start of their meeting.

“We have always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights. China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with the Palestinian side to promote a comprehensive, just, and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue as soon as possible,” he added.

Xi called the strategic partnership an “important milestone in the history of bilateral relations,” but its financial details were not immediately released.

China has also sought close ties with Israel to both expand its diplomatic presence and gain access to high technology. (TOI / VFI News)

“Friend deceives friend, and no one speaks the truth. They have taught their tongues to lie; they weary themselves with sinning.” - Jeremiah 9:5

WATCH: New Bomb Shelters Placed in Druze Village | Vision for Israel

Witness the installation of 7 brand-new bomb shelters strategically placed near the Lebanese border, offering critical protection during times of escalating tensions and potential threats. Gain insight into the significant impact these shelters have on safeguarding the local community and fostering resilience in the face of adversity. Join us on this remarkable journey as VFI makes a lasting difference in the lives of those living in this border region. Watch now and be inspired by the dedication and commitment to ensuring the safety of all in the beautiful land of Israel.

Neo-Nazi Accused of Stockpiling Weapons, Plotting Mass Shooting at Michigan Synagogue

A Michigan man who spouted antisemitic and Neo-Nazi ideals online was busted by federal agents for allegedly stockpiling weapons in preparation for a mass shooting at an East Lansing synagogue.

Seann Pietila, 19, of Pickford, was arrested on Friday, June 16, after agents raided his home and discovered several weapons, a Nazi flag, a camouflage ghillie suit, gas masks, and a military sniper manual, according to the criminal complaint filed by the United States Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Michigan.

A search of his phone also yielded a note highlighting a synagogue in East Lansing, along with a date and a list of equipment, including homemade bombs.

The FBI said it had received a report Tuesday, June 13, about threatening messages Pieltila shared online, including praises for previous mass shooters and neo-Nazis.

The suspect showed admiration for the 2019 Christchurch shooting, where 51 people were killed in two New Zealand mosques, with the date highlighted in Pietila’s phone matching the fourth anniversary of the massacre. Pietila was ultimately charged with transmitting a communication containing a threat to injure another.

US Attorney Mark Totten said in a statement: “Antisemitic threats and violence against our Jewish communities — or any other group for that matter — will not be tolerated in the Western District of Michigan.” (NYP /VFI News)

“God, we thank You for protecting the Jewish people worldwide and enabling authorities to act quickly and prevent antisemitic hate crimes. We pray that all defense forces will be similarly alert and capable of arresting potential criminals before they act on their hatred.”

Pittsburgh Synagogue Gunman Found Guilty of Killing 11 in Federal Death Penalty Trial

Robert Bowers, who was accused of shooting and killing 11 worshippers at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh in October 2018, was found guilty on Friday, June 16, of all counts facing him.

Bowers was charged with 63 criminal counts, including hate crimes resulting in death and obstruction of the free exercise of religion resulting in death. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty.

On October 27, 2018, Bowers opened fire with an AR-15 rifle and other guns at the Pennsylvania synagogue, although prosecutors and the defense sparred at trial over the 50-year-old's motive. Seven people were wounded, including five police officers.

"I am grateful to God for getting us to this day," Rabbi Jeffrey Myers of the Tree of Life Congregation, who survived the attack, said in a written statement after the verdict was announced, according to American media.

"And I am thankful for the law enforcement who ran into danger to rescue me, and the U.S. Attorney who stood up in court to defend my right to pray."

Two hours before Robert Bowers burst into the Tree of Life Synagogue and opened fire during a Shabbat service, he posted on a chat site about the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, "HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m going in," a message attributed to Bowers said. (FN/VFI News)

“God, we pray for the families of the 11 victims of this horrifying hate crime and ask that You will comfort them after all these years of pain and mourning. May this verdict bring some consolation to the grieving families. ”

Tel Aviv Moves Up to 5th Place in Annual Ranking of Best Global Tech Ecosystems

Tel Aviv moved up two spots to 5th place in an annual survey ranking the world’s most attractive ecosystems for startups and innovation by US research firm Startup Genome, rising from the 7th place last time.

The study mapped the global startup industry across more than 140 ecosystems worldwide, collating data on 3.5 million startups.

According to Startup Genome’s model, the higher the ranking of the ecosystem, the better the shot of an early-stage startup at building global success.

California’s Silicon Valley maintained its first-place position in this year’s report, followed by New York City and London, which were tied once again for second place. Boston and Beijing both dropped out of the top five to sixth and seventh, respectively and paved the way for Los Angeles to be lifted to the fourth spot and Tel Aviv to fifth.

In the Startup Genome Ecosystem 2023 report, published annually since 2012, it was noted that Israel’s ranking improved even though the tech industry worldwide was facing a challenging year.

Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai has also commented, “The presence of the city among the top five in the ranking is conclusive proof that the freedom of creativity and thought, along with the values of diversity and liberalism, form the foundation for a thriving and successful tech industry.” (TOI / VFI News)

Intel to Open New Factory in Israel with Unprecedented $25 Billion Investment

Global tech giant Intel will establish a new factory in Israel in the city of Kiryat Gat with a huge investment of about 25 billion dollars.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotritz and Budget Commissioner Yogev Gardos informed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Economy Minister Nir Barkat of the new factory Sunday, June 18.

As part of the investment, the company is expected to employ thousands of additional workers in Kiryat Gat at wages higher than the average in the manufacturing industry.

In addition, it was agreed to significantly increase the tax rate that the company will pay to the state from the current 5% to 7.5%. As part of its commitments, Intel is expected to finish the investment and begin operating the plant by 2027 and continue to operate it until at least 2035.

This investment is unprecedented in scope. According to the Finance Ministry, it will yield significant macroeconomic benefits to the economy, especially given the slowdown in the global economy and the global competition to attract technology companies in general and chip manufacturing companies in particular.

In addition, the investment has direct financial benefits for the state in significantly higher volumes than the grants that will be given. (INN /VFI News)

“Wealth and riches are in their houses, and their righteousness endures forever.” - Psalm 112:3

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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