
VFI News Brutal Murders of Babies, More than 1200 Israelis Killed; Israel Fights Back Successfully in All Directions

Brutal Murders of Babies, More than 1200 Israelis Killed; Israel Fights Back Successfully in All Directions

Dear readers, amid the ongoing war in Israel we would like to pray along with you for the termination of the hostilities and the establishment of peace. We are sending our sincerest condolences to all of you who have faced this tragedy, mourn family members and/or friends, or are currently waiting for news from your missing loved one. May the Lord intervene, heal the wounded, and answer your prayers.

Death Toll from Hamas Onslaught Passes 1,200 as IDF Steps up Attacks on Hamas

The death toll from Palestinian terror group Hamas’s shock attack on Israel surpassed 1,200 on Wednesday, October 11, with over 3,000 injured and the fate of an estimated 150 people abducted and taken to the Gaza Strip still unclear.

According to Hebrew media reports, the death toll hit a grim 1,000 late Tuesday as security forces and Zaka, a volunteer group that handles human remains after terror attacks and other disasters, worked in southern Israeli communities to clear and collect bodies.

The military said that number climbed to 1,200 by Wednesday morning, according to the reports. The Health Ministry said later that 3,007 people had been injured, including 28 critically and 345 seriously, with almost 500 still hospitalized.

Terrorists in Gaza were also continuing to launch rockets at Israeli cities and towns, with projectiles directly hitting at least four buildings in the southern city of Sderot on Wednesday morning. Terror groups have fired more than 5,000 rockets at Israel since Saturday, the IDF said.

In a briefing around 8 a.m. on Wednesday, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said Israeli forces had killed 18 Palestinian terrorists in Israeli territory during the previous 24 hours, as sweeps continued to root out the last Hamas infiltrators.

The military also said Air Force jets had hit over 70 Hamas targets in the Gaza City district of at-Tuffah as well as a military structure operated by Palestinian Islamic Jihad. (TOI / VFI News)

“God, we ask that You help Israel in this critical time of need. We pray that no more Israelis will face the wrath of the terrorists and that our country will become a safe place for its citizens once again. We offer our heartfelt condolences to all the families that are afflicted by these devastating attacks and we ask that You comfort them and bring an end to their suffering.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

Hamas Terrorists Beheaded Babies and Young Children

Hamas terrorists massacred at least 40 babies and young children before beheading some of them and gunning down their families in a small kibbutz in Israel, horrified Israeli soldiers have claimed.

The onslaught saw around 70 Hamas fighters – yesterday branded 'animals' and 'worse than ISIS' by the Israeli army – armed with machine guns and grenades, storm the usually quiet Kfar Aza kibbutz in southern Israel killing men, women, and children indiscriminately.

The bullet-riddled bodies of Israeli residents now lay on the grounds of the kibbutz among burned-out houses, strewn furniture, and torched cars. Solemn Israeli soldiers today went from house to house to take away the scores of people massacred there.

Outside the destroyed homes, the soldiers explained how they saw the bodies of babies next to their cots, their heads chopped off, in a sign of the depraved acts committed by the terrorists. As many as 40 babies and small children were killed, IDF soldiers told Israel-based media after taking them to the scene of the atrocity.

The Israeli soldiers were seen comforting each other after witnessing such horrors, including the bodies of entire families who were gunned down in their beds. 'You see the babies, the mothers, the fathers, in their bedrooms, in their protection rooms and how the terrorist kills them. It's not a war, it's not a battlefield. It's a massacre, it's a terror activity,' said Israeli Major General Itai Veruv from the horrific scene. (DM / VFI News)

“God, we ask that You please assist our soldiers in apprehending the vicious criminals that murdered babies in their cribs and in making them face justice for their heinous and inconceivable crimes. No one should get away with committing such depravities, nor repeat what these vile terrorists have done. We pray for the families who saw their loved ones executed and we pray that You will heal them from this traumatic event. We also pray for the soldiers who had to witness these horrifying murders and who undoubtedly will never forget the images from the scene.”

Gallant: Israel Moving to Full Offense, Gaza Will Never Return to What It Was

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says Israel is moving to a “full offense” against the Gaza Strip, as sporadic clashes with Hamas terrorists in southern Israel continue. “I have released all the restraints, we have [regained] control of the area, and we are moving to a full offense,” Gallant says to troops on the Gaza border.

“You will have the ability to change the reality here. You have seen the prices [being paid], and you will get to see the change. Hamas wanted a change in Gaza, it will change 180 degrees from what it thought,” Gallant says.

“Whoever comes to decapitate, murder women, Holocaust survivors — we will eliminate him with all our might, and without compromise,” he adds. Gallant had also ordered a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip. “There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” Gallant said following an assessment at the IDF Southern Command in Beersheba.

The military added that it had hit more than 80 sites in Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip Wednesday morning, October 11. Dozens of fighter jets carried out the strikes against the targets, which include two bank branches used by Hamas, an underground tunnel, several war rooms, and other military installations, the IDF said.

Earlier on Tuesday, the IDF carried out strikes in Syria and Lebanon after a number of mortars were launched toward northern Israel. Hezbollah claimed responsibility for an anti-tank guided missile attack on an Israeli army post near the northern Israeli village of Arab al-Aramshe, and the IDF said it responded with a drone strike on a Hezbollah post. (TOI / VFI News)

“God, we ask You to give us courage and a renewed heart to face our perverse enemies. We are grateful for You and our defense forces that fight valiantly to protect our citizens, and we pray that the war will end soon.”

Hamas Co-Founder Admitted Ultimate Aim of War on Israel to Eradicate Zionism, Rid ‘Treacherous Christianity’ from World

Speaking on the media run by Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi movement, Mahmoud al-Zahar, a founder of Hamas and one of its current leaders, made the shocking remarks, as reported in December by American media.

“Today, you could say that we reached a phase of deterrence, a phase in which we can defend the occupied land,” he said in reference to Hamas’ perpetual fight against the Jewish State, in remarks translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) which specializes in covering media in the region.

Al-Zahar, quoting the Hadith (the Islamic oral tradition), admitted that the war being waged against Israel is just one battle in the ultimate goal of conquering the globe. According to the Hamas co-founder, under a new Islamic international order neither “Zionism” nor “treacherous Christianity” will be tolerated.

“The entire 510 million square kilometers of planet Earth will come under [a system] where there is no injustice, no oppression, no treachery, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity, and no killings and crimes, like those being committed against the Palestinians, and against the Arabs in all the Arab countries – in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and other countries,” he said.

Hamas’s original charter, which claims that “peace and quiet” for Jews and Christians will only be possible “under the wing of Islam,” repeatedly cites the Koran and other mainstream Islamic texts. (BB / VFI News)

“The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood, but the speech of the upright rescues them.” - Proverbs 12:6

WATCH: Critical Aid: Supporting Needy Families in the South | Vision for Israel

Join us as we provide essential food parcels and necessities to families in the South during this difficult time, just as Psalm 133:1 tells us. Visit our website, visionforisrael.com, to learn more about our mission and how you can partner with us to make a positive impact. Together, we can help solve the dire needs of the Israeli community.

Biden: This Is An Act of Pure Evil from Hamas

US President Joe Biden delivered an address to the American people and the world on Tuesday, October 10, on the latest Hamas terrorist attacks.

“There are moments in this life, I mean this literally when the pure, unadulterated evil is unleashed on this world. The people of Israel lived through one such moment this weekend,” Biden said. “The bloody hands of the terrorist organization Hamas, a group whose stated purpose for being is to kill Jews. This was an act of sheer evil.”

“Parents butchered using their bodies to try to protect their children. Stomach-turning reports of babies being killed. Entire families slain, young people massacred while attending a musical festival to celebrate peace. Women raped, assaulted, paraded as trophies,” he continued.

The President described the “Holocaust survivors abducted and held hostage. Hostages whom Hamas has now threatened to execute in violation of every code of human morality.” Biden stated that Hamas' brutality “brings to mind the worst rampages of ISIS.”

President Biden also called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to minimize civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip in response to the deadly Hamas terror attacks. The death toll now stands at 1,200 in Israel, including 14 Americans, 18 Thais, 7 Argentinians, and another 900 in Gaza. (INN / VFI News)

“For look, the wicked bend their bows; they set their arrows against the strings to shoot from the shadows at the upright in heart.” - Psalm 11:2

Pentagon Sends Israel Weapons, Redirects Aircraft Carrier to Region

The Pentagon announced on Sunday, October 8, that it is sending “additional equipment and resources, including munitions” to the Israel Defense Forces while redirecting a Carrier Strike Group to the Eastern Mediterranean.

The security assistance “will begin moving today and arriving in the coming days,” said U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and the U.S. Department of Defense, adding that the decision was in response to the “abhorrent terrorist attack by Hamas.”

Austin said that the United States would also send the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group to the region, including the USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78), the world’s largest aircraft carrier and the newest in the U.S. fleet, the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy and four Arleigh-Burke-class guided-missile destroyers.

“We have also taken steps to augment U.S. Air Force F-35, F-15, F-16, and A-10 fighter aircraft squadrons in the region. Strengthening our joint force posture, in addition to the material support that we will rapidly provide to Israel, underscores the United States’ ironclad support for the Israel Defense Forces and the Israeli people.”

Later, on Tuesday, US President Joe Biden declared: “In this moment, we must be crystal clear: We stand with Israel, we stand with Israel. And we will make sure Israel has what it needs to take care of its citizens, defend itself, and respond to this attack.” (I365N /VFI News)

“God, we thank You for gifting us loyal allies who are willing to support us in times of need. We are extremely grateful for the substantial assistance that the United States is providing and we pray that along with our own defense equipment, it will be enough to thwart any additional attacks.”

German Minister Calls to Cut Aid to Palestinians

Christian Lindner, Germany's Finance Minister, on Saturday, October 7, called on his government's Foreign Minister from his government to examine together the possibility of stopping funding to the Palestinians.

“How long should Germany continue to transfer tax money to the Palestinians?” he demanded and later said in an interview with German media. “We should not respond to it with just words … I hope to consult with the Foreign Minister on how Germany should conduct itself in regards to the aid funds for the Palestinians in light of this violence."

Additionally, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala says it is the right time to move his country’s embassy to Jerusalem. “I am convinced that this would be a desirable step at the present time,” he tweets. “I intend to discuss the specific course of action in this situation with my coalition partners.”

Other renowned international citizens express their support for Israel, including Miss Iraq winner and Democratic Congressional Candidate Sarai Idan, and actor and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Also, an anonymous man reportedly purchased 250 plane tickets for Israeli Defense Forces call-ups heading back to embattled Israel at JFK Airport on Monday. The Jewish man stood near the ticket counter for El Al — Israel’s national airline — and quietly bought tickets for those who showed him their IDF call-up notice. (INN / VFI News)

“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” - 1 John 4:7

Bank of Israel to Sell $30 Billion to Stop Shekel Collapse During Gaza War

The Bank of Israel announced on Monday, October 9, that it plans to sell up to $30 billion in foreign exchange to protect the shekel from collapse after the country formally declared a state of war.

The central bank stated that it will “operate in the market during the coming period in order to moderate volatility in the shekel exchange rate and to provide the necessary liquidity for the continued proper functioning of the markets.”

Despite the Bank of Israel’s announcement, the shekel weakened more than 2 percent to around 3.92 to the dollar in Monday morning trading as Israeli forces continued fighting Hamas terrorists in towns near the Gaza border. On Friday, the Bank of Israel representative rate was set at NIS 3.8630/$.

In addition to the $30 billion program, the Bank of Israel said it would provide dollar liquidity to the market through SWAP mechanisms of as much as $15 billion. SWAP mechanisms are a form of future contracts through which two parties exchange the cash flows or liabilities from two different financial instruments.

“The Bank of Israel will continue monitoring developments, tracking all the markets, and acting with the tools available to it as necessary,” the central bank said in the statement. (TOI / VFI News)

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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