
VFI News Gazans Try to Prevent Hamas from Firing towards Israel, Sister of Hamas Leader Dead

Israel Braces for War with Hezbollah: Urgent Appeal for Support

Join us as we delve into the pressing issues facing Israel this week.

The escalating conflict with Hezbollah threatens to spiral into full-scale war, and the recent High Court ruling ends decades of IDF exemptions for Ultra-Orthodox Yeshiva students.

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Pray for Israel, our leaders, and our soldiers as we navigate these challenges together.

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'Local Rebellion': Gazans Attempt to Stop Hamas from Firing at Israel, IDF Source Says

Some 262 days into the ‘Iron Swords’ war, a source in the Southern Command revealed the military situation of Hamas. Hamas is experiencing an inability to produce weapons and lacks command and control, and the Gazan population is trying to prevent them from firing towards Israel.

“Since October 7th, we have carried out 30,000 airstrikes on targets in Gaza. This is in addition to thousands of attacks conducted by combat helicopters and UAVs of the Air Force. We managed to damage production sites,” said an official in the command.

“We have caused significant damage to Hamas’s production and armament capabilities at both the battalion and brigade levels. On the rare occasions when they do fire, we quickly close the loop and strike them,” he added.

“We are also working to locate the remaining launchers and terrorist squads before they are able to fire. At the same time, we found that individuals in Gaza have started trying to intervene in Hamas’s firing attempts. This marks a local rebellion by the population against Hamas. It is in our interest that similar interventions happen again in the future,” said the source. (JPost / VFI News)

“Our Heavenly Father, we thank You for the Gazans who are standing up to Hamas and are working towards eliminating their influence in Gaza. We pray that You bless these attempts and guide the IDF as they are damaging Hamas’ infrastructure and prevent them from launching more rockets and attacking civilians. We ask that You establish long-lasting peace and continual unity with all the civilians who have suffered during the war. We thank You for Your constant protection and provisions and we pray for a quick end to the war in Yeshua’s name.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

Gaza Reports: Sister of Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh Killed

Arab media on Tuesday morning, June 25, reported that IDF strikes in Al-Shati in western Gaza eliminated the sister of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. The reports also said that 13 people were killed in the strike, nine of whom were Haniyeh’s family members.

Earlier this year, three of Haniyeh’s sons were killed in an aerial strike on a vehicle in Al-Shati. They were identified as Amir Haniyeh, a cell commander in the Hamas military wing, Mohammad Haniyeh, a military operative in the Hamas terrorist organization, and Hazem Haniyeh, also a military operative in the Hamas terror organization.

Haniyeh himself lives in Qatar and is a father to 13. Some of his children live in Gaza, while others live in the Gulf states.

Haniyeh’s sister, Sabah Haniyeh, 57, was indicted in April for incitement and identifying with a terrorist organization. However, she was later released to house arrest. (INN / VFI News)

“The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” - 2 Peter 3:9

Hospitals in North Stock up on Blood, Prepare to Move Patients Underground

Hospitals in northern Israel were preparing for a potential war with Hezbollah, finalizing plans for two key scenarios: power outages and being cut off from access to roads and safe areas.

While no new concrete instructions have been issued, senior Health Ministry officials spoke with hospital administrators last week to verify readiness, instructing them to stockpile blood supplies for six days instead of four.

Rambam Health Care Campus, the largest in the north, would be expected to handle a significant portion of the injured in the event of war. It has 900 beds in its underground complex and can expand by another 800 beds. Rambam was also preparing to take in patients who may be evacuated from smaller medical facilities nearby.

Emek Medical Center in Afula is nearing completion of its underground facility to deal with missile and UAV threats. Dr. Maor Maman, the hospital’s CEO said they were fortifying essential infrastructures, increasing protected beds from 150 to 300, and opening a large protected command center.

“We prepared a communication system using phones to operate on an emergency network. We will use a newly completed underground area built to house our intensive care and dialysis units, for additional beds and are stocking up on equipment and medicine according to the Health Ministry guidelines.” (YNet / VFI News)

“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I have been saved from my enemies.” - Psalm 18:2-3

French Antisemitic Rape Victim Told to Convert to Islam by Her Attackers - Report

The 12-year-old girl who was gang-raped in an antisemitic incident in France was asked to convert to Islam by her attackers, her parents told French media. “Before letting her leave, they made her swear on Allah not to say anything, and that she should not tell anyone, neither her parents nor the police,” her mother said.

The girl had reported to the police last week that she had been gang raped by three teenagers aged between 12-14 in what has been characterized as an antisemitic crime.

The girl’s father described the impact the attack has had on his daughter. The “shock caused her to have flashbacks at night. She has difficulty falling asleep and wakes up at night. It’s a pretty painful daily life. Her attackers stole her childhood,” he said to the news outlet.

The victim’s mother said that one of her daughter’s attackers told her, “I know you're not Muslim... So, what religion are you?” The mother added that when the attacker learned that her daughter was Jewish, he deduced that she must be pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian.

This is not the first antisemitic attack that her daughter experienced in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war, added the mother. “After October 7, our daughter suffered harassment at her school and was ostracized because of her religion. It started during the month of November with Nazi salutes, swastikas on tables at school, and jokes about the Holocaust. She lost several Muslim friends this way without it leading to physical violence.” (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we pray for Your daughter who has suffered greatly at the hands of the 3 attackers who severely violated her. We pray in Yeshua’s name that You comfort her, give her Your peace, and heal her. We ask that You shield the Jewish people wherever they are. We pray that everyone who is blinded and doesn’t believe in You comes to know You, believe, sorrowfully repent, and praise only You for the rest of their days on earth.”

WATCH: Life-Saving Emergency Equipment Donated to Emergency Teams in the South

Following the events of October 7th, Vision for Israel immediately connected with emergency response teams in the Eshkol Regional Council. Thanks to generous donations, we were able to provide vital supplies including defibrillators, radio devices, and scanning flashlights for 32 teams. The total value of these donations amounted to 500,000 Shekels. On January 17th, we had the honor of personally delivering this equipment to the security chiefs in the 32 settlements of the Eshkol Region. Despite the tragedy of losing nine security officers in the October 7th massacre, our commitment remained unwavering. Many of the officers remembered Barry, who tirelessly ensures the safety of residents in shelters. Their gratitude echoed in the testimonies of hundreds of lives saved. Each emergency response team received a kit comprising 1 defibrillator, 3 radio devices, and 3 scanning lights. We extend heartfelt appreciation to our generous donors and the dedicated VFI team members who made this initiative possible. Vision for Israel remains steadfast in our commitment to support the southern settlements throughout and beyond this conflict. We came to uplift them, and in turn, we found strength in their resilience. Together, we continue to build hope and restoration.

US Leaders Who Support Israel

Tehran must be put on notice that any major attack by Hezbollah against the Jewish state would be considered as if Iran had acted against Israel, US Senator Lindsey Graham told Israeli media.

If the US doesn’t stand with Israel in its battle against the Iranian proxy group Hezbollah, then “Iran will see this as yet another example of weakness and timidity, and they [it] will break out to a nuclear weapon,” he added.

Further, US Senator John Fetterman on his first visit to Israel met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog, thanked him for the welcome, and said that supporting Israel “has been a very easy and clear choice throughout all of this, through everything your nation has been through after October 7.” “I’ve always wanted to be a very consistent voice throughout all this,” he added.

During the meeting, Senator Fetterman also showed the President a bracelet he was wearing which he was given by families whose loved ones were murdered by Hamas terrorists at the Nova Festival on October 7th. He told the President that he would not remove the bracelet till all the hostages had been returned home to their families.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, June 25, former US President Donald Trump urged people to watch the film Screams Before Silence by Sheryl Sandberg, which documents Hamas’s sexual violence on October 7, in a social media post.

Trump wrote that the documentary was “...incredibly difficult to watch because, sadly, it graphically portrays the Death and Destruction that Hamas has unleashed. We demand that all Hostages taken October 7th from Israel, and being held in Gaza, be released immediately, including eight Americans, and citizens from over twenty other countries, so that the war can come to an end,” he added. (JPost / VFI News)

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” - Proverbs 17:17

Supreme Court: Draft Haredim, End Funding for Yeshivas

The Supreme Court on Tuesday morning, June 25, published its decision regarding the Draft Law. In its decision, which was unanimous, the Supreme Court wrote that “At this time, there is no legal framework which allows differentiation between yeshiva students and others who are eligible for enlistment.”

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court convened, with a panel of nine judges, to discuss petitions demanding the conscription of yeshiva students due to the lack of legislation on the matter, as well as the revocation of budgets from yeshivas that do not enlist their students.

The decision follows a statement by Israel’s Attorney General, Gali Baharav-Miara, which claimed that the government will not be able to provide support to yeshivas whose students do not serve in the army - after a short period of adaptation to the new situation.

Baharav-Miara then called to cancel property tax discounts and daycare subsidies for the families of Haredi yeshiva students who have not served in the army.

The decision has brought a wave of outrage from numerous coalition MKs and Ministers, who have denounced the ruling as an illegitimate overstep of the court’s authority and likely to lead to divisiveness, civil unrest, and hardship for the haredi population. (INN / VFI News)

Worrying Report: 83% Increase in Antisemitic Incidents in Germany

The Federal Association of Departments for Research and Information on Antisemitism in Germany recently published a worrying report indicating an 83% increase in antisemitic incidents in 2023.

Throughout 2023, 4,782 complaints about antisemitism were registered in the country, averaging 13 complaints per day.

The main increase in antisemitic incidents began after October 7, as 2,787 incidents were registered during the last three months of the year, more than all the incidents in the entirety of 2022, totaling 2,616 incidents.

The report noted that more and more Jews encounter antisemitism at workplaces, educational institutions, and on social media. Additionally, two-thirds of the reports on antisemitic violence in 2023 also came after October 7th.

Further, concerns about antisemitism have also been raised at the British Medical Association’s (BMA ) annual conference, after a Jewish doctor was heckled by at least two doctors who shouted “shame” at her after she said she was Jewish.

The BMA denounced the incident, calling it “unacceptable” and gave Dr. Sutton-Klein 15 seconds of extra speaking time as a result of the interruption, according to British media. (INN / VFI News)

Thailand to Send Farm Workers to Israel for First Time Since Hamas Attacks

Thailand is set to resume sending agricultural workers to Israel this week after an eight-month hiatus, the Thai labor ministry said on Monday, June 24, with a target of having more than 10,000 of its citizens working in the country by year-end.

Around 30,000 Thai laborers had been working in the agriculture sector, comprising one of the largest migrant worker groups in Israel, before the conflict broke out last October.

Caught in the fighting when Palestinian Hamas gunmen attacked Israel on Oct. 7, 39 Thais were killed and another 32 were taken hostage, according to the Thai government. Six of them are believed to remain in captivity.

“The government asked for the cooperation of the Israeli government to help emphasize to employers to take care of the safety of Thai workers,” the labor ministry said in a statement.

The first batch of around 100 workers was said to fly out from the capital Bangkok on Tuesday, followed by another group in early July.

Many Thais, particularly from the rural northeast region, have sought employment in Israel drawn by higher wages and an opportunity to work their way out of ballooning debt, a gnawing issue for millions in Southeast Asia’s second-largest economy. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we thank You for equipping us with hard-working individuals who are longing to work for our country. We pray in Yeshua’s name that You bless our co-existence and that both the foreign and native workers will live safely on the land You have entrusted us with.”

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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