
VFI News Hamas Condemns 7 People to Death for Relations with Israel, Palestinian Jihad Murders Israeli Guard

Hamas Condemns 7 to Death, Palestinian Jihadist Kills Israeli Guard | VFI News

Hamas sentences 7 to death for 'collaboration' with Israel, while a Palestinian Jihadist murders an Israeli guard.

Stay informed and pray for justice and peace. 🇮🇱🕊️ #Israel #MiddleEast #PeacePrayers

Hamas Sentences 7 Gazans to Death by Hanging for ‘Collaboration’ with Israel

A military court in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, August 6, sentenced seven people to death by hanging for “collaboration” with Israel, the coastal enclave’s Hamas-run interior ministry said.

The court also sentenced seven others to “life imprisonment with hard labor,” which in Gaza amounts to 25 years, the ministry also said in a statement.

Regarding those sentenced to death, the court said they had provided information to Israel on terror groups in Gaza — including names, phone numbers, addresses, and weapons caches — in return for money, media reported. One of the defendants was allegedly given a permit to work in Israel in return for the information he provided.

Under Palestinian law, a death sentence requires the approval of the president of the PA, but since Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip in 2007 it has repeatedly ignored this, and last September executed two Palestinians for “collaboration” with Israel as well as three others for murder.

Meanwhile, protests in Gaza continue with thousands of outraged young demonstrators pouring onto the streets, as part of a popular movement calling itself “We Want to Live.” The movement rejects the ongoing economic deterioration and political plight in Gaza and demands the necessities of life, such as electricity. (TOI / VFI News)

“God, we pray for justice to prevail in the Palestinian Authority. We ask for Your protection over those who are accused of collaborating with Israel, especially if they did. We also pray for the young people in Gaza and their right to economic stability, as well as to have their basic needs met. We pray that You would stop the funneling of funds to terrorism and that instead, the funds will go to building and developing the infrastructure that is needed for basic life necessities.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

‘Israeli Hero’: Chen Amir Murdered in Tel Aviv Terror Attack, Shooter Killed on Site

Tel Aviv city inspector Chen Amir was killed in a terror shooting in the popular pedestrian mall Nahalat Binyamin in Tel Aviv on Saturday afternoon, August 5, Israel Police said.

Amir and his colleague were patrolling on motorcycles when they noticed a suspicious person in the popular mall packed with cafes and restaurants and approached him, police said.

The suspect initially refused to answer their calls, and as the pair got off their motorcycles, the man pulled out a handgun and opened fire toward the guards, shooting Amir in the head and critically injuring him.

The other guard responded swiftly and killed the terrorist who was identified as 22-year-old Kamal Abu Ahmed from the town of Rumannah near Jenin.

Abu Ahmed was a member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization and had been wanted by Israeli security forces for the past six months for terrorist activity in the Jenin refugee camp.

Amir was married and had three daughters, and his family agreed to donate his organs per his previous wishes. He was described by his father and sister as a humble, gentle, and very modest person who “was always at the top, wanting to protect civilians”.

“Chen is the most wonderful man in the world, an amazing husband, a wonderful person, and the father of three daughters,” his widow said “I hope we can get through this, me and the girls”. “You are an Israeli hero, our king,” friends of Chen Amir shouted over his grave. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we pray for the family of the Israeli officer that was killed by the Palestinian terrorist and we ask that You comfort and help them heal. We offer our heartfelt condolences to them and we ask that his 3 young daughters are provided for through Your generosity. ”

Palestinian Authority Minister Filmed Burning Jewish Property in Broad Daylight

The head of the Palestinian Authority's "Colonization and Wall Resistance Committee," Minister Moayad Shaaban, and other committee members were filmed on Thursday, August 3, destroying and burning property belonging to a Jewish farm near the village of Avnei Hefetz in Samaria.

The Palestinian Authority minister was filmed during Arab riots led by him, as he destroyed and burned the farm's property, including a shack built near a cistern to be enjoyed by tourists to the area.

In addition to Shaaban, additional committee members were filmed, including Morad Shitawi, the coordinator for the committee's northern district.

Even though the riot and vandalism occurred in broad daylight and the perpetrators were unmasked, no arrests have been made.

The committee even proudly took to its official Facebook page, writing, "The head of the Wall Resistance and Settlement Committee, Minister Shaaban, the staff of the committee and the residents of Kafr Al-Labd remove and burn a nucleus of a settler located on the lands of the town east of Tulkarm." (INN / VFI News)

“Too long have I lived among those who hate peace.” - Psalm 120:6

Lebanon Warns PA’s Abbas that Troops May Intervene If Refugee Camp Clashes

Lebanon’s caretaker prime minister called Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday, August 3, to demand an end to the volatile situation in the country’s largest Palestinian refugee camp, warning that Lebanese troops may intervene to stop the fighting that has left dozens dead and wounded.

Najib Mikati’s call with Abbas came after days of sporadic clashes between armed Palestinian factions in the Ein el-Hilweh refugee camp near the southern port city of Sidon.

Mikati called the fighting a “flagrant violation of Lebanese sovereignty,” and said it was unacceptable for the warring Palestinian groups to “terrorize the Lebanese, especially the people of the south who have embraced the Palestinians for many years,” according to a statement released by his office.

Lebanon’s largest Palestinian refugee camp, which is home to about 50,000 people, has been rocked by fierce battles between Abbas’s Fatah party and Islamist groups Jund al-Sham and Shabab al-Muslim. The fighting has so far killed more than a dozen people, wounded dozens more, and displaced thousands.

Meanwhile, one day earlier, Israel’s top army brass and its president visited the Lebanese border amid heightened tensions with the Iranian proxy group Hezbollah. The Lebanese people “don't deserve the Iranian spell that kills and ruins many parts of their country. They definitely don't deserve the involvement of Hezbollah, which undermines their stability and well-being,” he said. (TOI / VFI News)

“With their mouths the godless destroy their neighbors, but through knowledge the righteous escape.” - Proverbs 11:9

WATCH: Donate to Vision for Israel’s Pack-to-School Project

For over 20 years, Vision for Israel has been providing backpacks filled with essential school supplies to underprivileged children in Israel. With a goal of providing 2,000 children with backpacks this year, your donation of $45 can make a significant impact in ensuring that no child is left behind in their education journey. Join us in making a difference and helping build a brighter future for Israel by supporting our Pack-to-School Project today.

Israeli Tourist, 19, Attacked in Berlin in Possible Antisemitic Incident

An Israeli tourist was attacked by three men in Berlin on Saturday evening, August 5, with German media reporting Sunday that the police were looking into a possible antisemitic motive.

Yonatan Yisraeli, 19, told Israeli media that he was walking to the supermarket in the city’s Kreuzberg district with a good friend, “and suddenly a car pulled up beside us.”

Yisraeli said that the passengers asked them something in German, and they responded in English that they were not from Berlin. “Suddenly, two seconds later they started hitting us, hitting me,” he recounted. “I fell on the floor, I didn’t understand what was happening,” he added.

“I think that they were Arab, but I couldn’t say for sure,” he added. “When they were done they got in the car and blasted music that I think was in Arabic.” Yisraeli said he believes that they were singled out for attack because the pair were speaking Hebrew on the phone. “We were speaking in Hebrew, not quietly.”

Yisraeli was taken to a nearby hospital with light injuries to his arm and face, and the pair then alerted police.

Similar hateful incidents happen daily in other parts of the world as well; Jews reportedly remain the primary target of hate crimes in Canada compared to other religious groups and in the UK, online antisemitic incidents skyrocketed by 37% during the first half of 2023. (TOI / VFI News)

“Lord, we ask for Your protection over the Jewish people around the world. We pray that antisemitic attacks worldwide are prevented. We pray for the full recuperation of the young Israeli tourist and we ask that Israelis and Jews will not walk in fear for their lives.”

Russian Drone Attacks 40,000 Tons of Ukrainian Grain Destined for Israel

Russian drone attacks early on Wednesday, August 2, damaged almost 40,000 tons of grains which were expected by countries in Africa and also in China and Israel, Ukrainian deputy prime minister Oleksandr Kubrakov said.

The Russian state news agency said that overnight Russian strikes on the Ukrainian port of Izmail had hit the port and grain infrastructure housing foreign mercenaries and military hardware, as well as a naval ship repair yard.

The news agency cited Sergei Lebedev, a man it described as a coordinator of an underground group in the Ukrainian port city of Mykolaiv and who it said had sources in Izmail, Ukraine's main inland port across the Danube River from Romania.

It quoted Lebedev as saying that there had been eight separate Russian strikes on Izmail and that an oil terminal had been hit, a repair yard for Ukrainian naval cutters, a port building thought to house foreign forces, and a grain storage unit and elevator where it said foreign military hardware was stored. (JPost / VFI News)

“The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.” - Genesis 6:5

Following US Approval: Israel to Sell David’s Sling Weapon System to Finland

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, the Director General of the Israel Ministry of Defense, Maj. Gen. (res.) Eyal Zamir and Director of the IMOD Directorate of Defense R&D (DDR&D), and Brig. Gen. (res.) Dr. Daniel Gold were notified on Wednesday, August 2, by the US Department of State about the administration’s decision to approve Finland’s procurement of David’s Sling Weapon System.

The Director of the Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO), Mr. Moshe Patel, led the process together with counterparts from the Finnish Ministry of Defence.

“David’s Sling” is an advanced missile defense system that is co-developed and co-produced by the Israel Ministry of Defense’s IMDO and the US Missile Defense Agency. The industrial team is led by Rafael Advanced Systems.

The system intercepts advanced threats, including ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, drones, and more. Under the procurement agreement, Israel will sell the David's Sling Weapon System to Finland, which includes Israeli-US co-produced interceptors and Israeli-produced missile launchers and radar systems.

The Finnish version of the system will be jointly developed by Israeli and American industries, led by Rafael Advanced Systems and Raytheon Technologies Cooperation, in partnership with Finnish industries, each contributing to specific tasks. The system will be integrated into Finland's command and control systems. (INN / VFI News)

Israel's Gas Reserves Grew by 40% over Past Decade, Report Says

Israel's natural gas reserves have grown by 40% over the past decade due to increased drilling and exploration activities, an industry report said, even as production soared.

The growth came amid five-fold growth in offshore gas production since the start-up of Israel's first major producing Tamar field in 2013, the report prepared by consultancy BDO for the Israeli Natural Gas Trade Association said.

Israel's gas reserves grew from 780 billion cubic meters (bcm) in 2012 to 1,087 bcm at the end of 2022, while 119 bcm was extracted over the same period, according to the report.

The growth in reserves was due to several new discoveries, including Energean's (ENOG.L) Olympus field, which has been renamed Katlan, as well as further exploration activity around hubs including the Chevron (CVX.N) operated Leviathan field.

The eastern Mediterranean region has seen a rapid expansion of natural gas production over the past decade, following the discovery of major resources in waters off Israel and Egypt. (REU / VFI News)

“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:7

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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