
VFI News Hamas Launches Biggest Missile Attack in Months from Rafah, Israel Counterattacks

Are We Living in the End Times? News that Echoes Prophecy Reveals Shocking Parallels

In this compelling episode, we delve into a series of alarming global events that mirror biblical prophecies, sparking intense debate about whether we are witnessing the signs of the end times.

From unprecedented natural disasters and escalating wars to widespread pandemics and political turmoil, we analyze current news stories that align with ancient predictions.

Experts weigh in on the significance of these occurrences, discussing their potential implications for humanity's future. Additionally, we explore the role of technology, climate change, and social upheaval in fulfilling these prophecies.

Join us as we investigate the evidence, question what it means for our world today, and ponder the possibility that we are indeed living in the times foretold by scripture.

Don't miss this eye-opening broadcast that brings you the news with a prophetic twist, making you question the reality of our existence and the future that lies ahead.

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Surviving the Terror

Surviving the Terror . . .

Hamas Launches Biggest Missile Attack in Months from Rafah, Israel Counterattacks

Hamas Launches Biggest Missile Attack in Months from Rafah, Israel Counterattacks

Israel Strikes Back at Hamas in Rafah After Terrorists Launched First Major Missile Barrage in Months

The Israeli military struck a Hamas compound in Rafah located near a refugee camp on Sunday, May 26, that took out several Hamas terrorists after the group used its last remaining stronghold in Gaza to fire a massive rocket barrage for the first time in months.

Israel said it launched a counterattack “against legitimate targets under international law, through the use of precise munitions and on the basis of precise intelligence that indicated Hamas’ use of the area.”

Despite the reassurance, the Israeli military acknowledged reports from Palestinian media alleging that dozens of civilians were killed by the blasts that hit near a refugee camp.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society, which provides humanitarian support for Gaza, said the strikes were carried out over “displaced persons’ tents near the United Nations headquarters northwest of Rafah.” The humanitarian group noted that the location was previously designated as a humanitarian zone by Israel.

The IDF said it is investigating the allegations. Two Hamas officials were killed in Sunday’s counter strike: Yassin Rabia, the chief of staff in Judea and Samaria, and senior official Khaled Nagar, the IDF later announced on X.

The counter-attack comes just hours after air-raid sirens sounded in Tel Aviv for the first time in four months on Sunday following Hamas’ attack from Rafah. The show of force — Hamas claimed it fired more than 100 missiles — demonstrates the terror group’s resilience as the war approaches its eighth month. (NYP / VFI News)

“Lord, we pray for the families of the Palestinian civilians who died during Israel’s counterattack on Hamas yesterday. We pray that You comfort them and protect them for the days to come, in Yeshua’s name. May Your love and mercy extend towards all Your children who need it and may You mediate the cessation of the war so that all people residing in our country find true peace and rebuild their lives. We pray for a united front against the terrorists and we thank You for shielding us from their attacks.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

Bring Them Home Now: Hamas Video Highlights Urgency of Hostage Talks

Israel’s war cabinet instructed its negotiating team to continue efforts to reach a hostage release deal after a four-hour meeting on Wednesday night, May 22, the Prime Minister’s Office announced.

The decision to resume the negotiations came after the Hostages and Missing Families Forum released a graphic three-minute video on Wednesday of the abduction of five tatzpitaniyot (female IDF observers monitoring the border) from the Nahal Oz base near the Gaza border by Hamas terrorists on October 7.

The video was filmed by body cameras worn by the terrorists as they ruthlessly kidnapped Liri Albag, 18; Karina Ariev, 19; Agam Berger, 19; Daniella Gilboa, 19; and Naama Levy, 19, all five of whom are still being held captive in Gaza. It shows the female soldiers, some in pajamas, lined up against a wall, bruised and bloodied, with their hands bound, while the terrorists scream at them and bundle them into a jeep.

“Every new testimony about what happened to the hostages echoes the same tragic truth – we must bring them all back home, now,” the forum said in a press release, urging TV stations to broadcast the video. Even though the most disturbing parts were cut out, the footage is harrowing and horrific.

President Isaac Herzog urged the world to look at what he called “this cruel atrocity,” calling on all those who care about women’s rights and who believe in freedom to speak out and do everything possible to bring all of the hostages home now. (JPost / VFI News)

“Our Heavenly Father, we pray for the female soldiers who are still at the hands of Hamas. We pray that You bring them home and protect them from mistreatment and any type of abuse onwards, in Yeshua’s name. We also pray for their families, friends, as well as fellow hostages who are being mentally and physically tormented by the terrorists for more than 7 months. We know that You hear all our prayers and love us beyond measure, and we trust that You will answer this prayer according to Your perfect Will.”

Watch: Abbas’ Advisor Threatens Israel with More Massacres

Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, threatened Israel with more massacres.

“If the Palestinian cause will not be justly, comprehensively, and permanently resolved, at least on the basis of international legitimacy, at least on the basis of the UN resolutions, then October 7 can repeat itself 100 times, and perhaps even more seriously,” Habbash said in a video posted to his Facebook page on May 18, and translated by Palestinian Media Watch.

Habbash, like many PA officials, has a history of inciting statements against Israel. In 2017, he blasted the security measures taken by Israel following a terror attack on the Temple Mount, saying they constitute a blatant violation of the conventions and decisions of international institutions regarding the status of Jerusalem and its holy sites.

Also that year, Habbash gave a sermon which was attended by Abbas himself, during which he warned the US against moving its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Doing so, Habbash said at the time, would be a “declaration of war”.

Later, in 2018, he compared Israel’s restrictions on access to the Al-Aqsa Mosque to Nazi methods. (INN / VFI News)

“I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war.” - Psalm 120:7

IDF Conducts Exercises to Prepare for Combat Deep in Lebanon

Troops of the 146st Division and the reserve 205th Armored Brigade carried out exercises simulating maneuvers in Lebanon, the military said on Monday, May 27. The military exercise included a simulation of combat in the North, the rapid deployment of forces in the area, and troops’ preparedness for the attack.

In parallel, forces carried out an exercise in which they learned about daytime and nighttime operational models that simulate warfare deep inside Lebanese territory. The IDF also stated that troops exercised fighting in a built-up area and advancing on mountainous terrain, among others.

Concurrently, the IDF continued striking terror targets in southern Lebanon. A UAV struck a motorcycle in the area of Bint Jbeil in southern Lebanon on Monday, Israeli media reported citing Lebanese reports.

Later on Monday, the IDF said jets had carried out a strike in the Aynata area in southern Lebanon, killing a Hezbollah terrorist who had been identified in the area from which launches had been fired into the area of the northern Israeli town of Malkia earlier that day.

The military further noted jets had attacked a Hezbollah military structure in the Aitaroun area of southern Lebanon. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we pray for Your protection against the terrorists in the north. We pray that You perform a miracle and make the enemies abandon their vicious plans, repent and turn away from their prior ambitions, in Yeshua’s name. We thank You for alerting our defense forces and keeping them in optimal shape so that regardless of the scenario, they are prepared to defend our country and citizens to the best of their abilities.”

WATCH: Sos Asis | Barry & Batya Segal

This compelling passage is from Isaiah 61:10a, communicating thanks to a merciful God, for His salvific work. It reads: "I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness...“ Let this be a meditative reminder to you of all the blessings He bestows upon His beloved children.

Israel Blasts Germany for Declaring It Will Arrest Netanyahu

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s spokesman sharply rebuked German Chancellor Olaf Sholz for stating his administration would arrest the Prime Minister in response to an International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant, sparking a rare public spat between two allies during the Gaza war.

“I am old enough to remember the German leader coming here days after Oct. 7, and stating that Hamas are the new Nazis. They seek a genocide against the Jews. Many in the world need to check their moral compass and be on the right side of history,” Avi Hyman, told American media on Thursday, May 23.

Scholz’s spokesman, Steffen Hebestreit, said on Wednesday, in response to a question whether the German government would execute an ICC arrest order against Netanyahu for alleged war crimes during Israel’s efforts to defeat the Hamas terrorist movement in the Gaza Strip, “Of course. Yes, we abide by the law.”

Germany’s comment about executing the ICC order to arrest the prime minister electrified social media and critics accused Scholz’s administration of antisemitism for its fealty to an arrest warrant from a reportedly anti-Israel court that Netanyahu termed another example of the “new antisemitism.” (JPost / VFI News)

“The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.” - Proverbs 12:26

Terror Organizations Threaten to Attack US Pier off Gaza

Palestinian Arab terrorist organizations are adopting the Hamas position that opposes the operation of the US floating pier on the shores of Gaza, and are threatening to harm any foreign presence, including an American one, in the Gaza Strip.

The US military has announced that it has completed the construction of the temporary pier on the shores of Gaza to allow the transfer of humanitarian equipment to the residents of the Gaza Strip during the military campaign.

In a statement, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist organization warned against using the pier to deport Palestinian Arabs from the Gaza Strip and protect Israel. The PFLP demanded “to open all the border crossings in the Gaza Strip, including the Rafah crossing, as an alternative to the floating pier to ensure the entry of aid to the Gaza Strip without conditions and limitations.”

The Popular Resistance Committees, another terrorist group, also expressed opposition to the operation of the pier which, it claimed, is “a propaganda measure that helps legitimize the Israeli siege and occupation of the Rafah crossing, and divert attention from the siege, the mass extermination and the war of starvation.”

The Popular Resistance Committees warned that "any Israeli or foreign presence at the floating seaport or at the border crossings, including American forces, will be a legitimate target.” (INN / VFI News)

ICE Confirms Jordanian Who Tried to Enter Marine Corps Base Entered U.S. Illegally Through Southern Border

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed in a statement to American media on Thursday, May 23, that one of the two Jordanian nationals who tried to sneak onto a Marine Corps base in Virginia this month, referred to as “noncitizen 2”, had entered the U.S. illegally less than a month prior.

On April 8, 2024, the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) arrested Jordanian noncitizen 2 near San Ysidro, California, following his unlawful entry into the United States. On April 9, 2024, the USBP issued Jordanian noncitizen 2 a Notice to Appear before a Department of Justice (DOJ) immigration judge.

Later that day, USBP released the Jordanian noncitizen on an Order of Recognizance. ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) said that the other Jordanian national, referred to as “noncitizen 1,” had entered on a student visa on September 11, 2022, on a F-1 nonimmigrant student visa, but that his “Student and Exchange Visitor Information System record was set to ‘terminated’” on January 14, 2023.

ERO said: On May 3, 2024, the Quantico Marine Corps Base in Quantico, VA arrested the Jordanian noncitizens for trespassing. On the same date, ERO Washington responded to the Quantico Marine Corps Base and interviewed the noncitizens. ERO Washington arrested both noncitizens after confirming their immigration status.

“ICE has no information that would suggest either noncitizen is associated with any organization that would pose a public safety or national security threat,” the statement said. (BB / VFI News)

“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” - 1 Peter 5:7-8

Who Will Reap What They Sow? Labor Crisis Puts Israeli Agriculture in Peril

The Jewish people are truly incredible. After October 7th, a direct rocket impact from Hamas destroyed the expensive infrastructure of the Yshuot Chalutza farm, and the invaluable Thai workers left the country. 97% of the crops on the farm rotted away for the week that everyone evacuated from the area, but there was no one there to remove the deceased vegetables.

After the first week, hardy, brave men and women from all over the country dropped everything and came to help the farmers. Dentists, opticians, professors, and accountants converged upon the farm every day to remove the ruined vegetables and plant new ones.

It warmed the hearts of the farmers that the people of the Land hadn’t forgotten about them. Every day, an assortment of teenagers, adults, men, and women, from all across the spectrum of Jews and non-Jews alike labored in the fields, doing work they never dreamed they would do to help the land prosper.

Although untrained, they helped the farmers every day without fail. But now it’s time to harvest the vegetables and there are no more volunteers at the farm. The resilient people of Israel are waiting for the vegetables that will prove to themselves and the world that no matter how much they try to destroy us, we will prevail.

Summer is arriving along with promise and hope for a better future. But until the farmers at Yshuot Chalutza farm receive enough funds to replace the expensive infrastructure destroyed in the shelling, they urgently need some machinery so they can harvest their vegetables. Their new mission now is to raise the funds needed to purchase practical equipment and machinery. (INN / VFI News)

“If any of your fellow Israelites become poor and are unable to support themselves among you, help them as you would a foreigner and stranger, so they can continue to live among you.” - Leviticus 25:35

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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